Chapter 9: New Daily Routine

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It was another day filled with the usual activities.

The regular schedule and routine.

But of course since Eric is here everything's kinda off course.

Everybody in the school started gossiping that Eric and I were going out!

Could you imagine that?

It was even viral in Facebook. There was also this picture of the both of us that had the caption: "Ice Princess melts to Warm Cutie"

Which was all just some piece of crap.


And logically speaking its just been a few weeks since I have met Eric. Making it quite impossible for a fast development between us two.

And how would someone like me like someone like him?!

I mean he's a total freak and pest in the society!

"Katie~ Lets go together in class!" as I've heard Eric called out to me all my hairs on my body stood up. I was starting to get goosebumps and freak out like hell.

"I.Did.Not.Hear.Anything," I muttered under my breath and sped off to class. Fully avoiding to communicate with him.

As I went in the room, I immediately took a seat between two occupied seats by total strangers.

Which is very uncomfortable.

But I do have to endure this rather than have Eric next me.

Classes started.

I saw in a glimpse that Eric sat somewhere in a corner as he wore a long sad face.

Which I ignored.

The minutes grew long and tired but I also felt a strong and persistent stare at my back.

It felt so chilly to me so I turned to see who it was, if ever.


Why is he sobbing silently like a kid?! Its like his big swirly lollipop was taken from him! His eyes are all watery!

I raised an eyebrow at him and he pouted.

I rolled my eyes and sighed as I returned my attention back to class.

Why am I even bothering myself in such trivial things?

As soon as the bell rang I spotted Luke Gale smiling at me across the our door.

I approached him, "What is it this time?" I asked tiredly.

He smiled smartly and a bit hilarious, "France needs our help."

"Ahh," I retorted.

But why include Luke?

"Eric! What's wrong?" a classmate of mine asked frantically.

I turned to see what the fuss was all about.


Is this even possible in real life?

Eric has magically turned into a seemingly blob object or in a simple person's words: He melted.

(This part is only for comic relief. This does not alter anything.)

I just ignored and proceeded to do my work.

Throughout the day I haven't seen Eric at all as if he just vanished into thin air.

Good. Well that's refreshing and calming.

"Where's your boyfriend?" Luke suddenly asked as we were arranging some items in the storage room.

"Excuse me?" I choked.

He laughed, " Oh, so he is not?"

"Who are we exactly talking about?"

He blinked at me and smiled hilariously, "Your'e totally clueless eh? Its Eric."

I made a disgusted face, "Change topic."

He just laughed and we returned to our work.

After a few hours Luke went ahead and I stayed to finish all tasks. 

He even reminded me not to stress myself too much.

Being with that Eric kid makes me stressed enough.

I finally finished all of my little tasks and as I went out of the Student Council room I saw shadowed figure in front of me.

It's back faced me and it was in a position where the person hugs its legs as he crouched.

All that lacks is a gloomy background to really set up the mood.

I sighed, "What are you doing there?" I asked. Well it wasn't hard to guess who it was.

Its just Eric.

"Don't mind me, I'm just letting time pass," he answered depressed.

"Okay," I retorted and started to walk.

"What, that's it? You're not gonna say 'Oh Eric please tell me what's bothering you. I love you!' " he shrieked.

I glared at him, "Stop imagining weird things!"

He smiled sheepishly, "It was worth a shot, oh well," he shrugged and once again he began tailing me.

"Why were you ignoring me? Is it because of the ice cream flavor?" he blinked innocently.

My eye twitched, "How low do you think of me by thinking that? I avoided you because you are so annoying!"

He pouted, "But you were with Luke!" then his eyes widened. "Do you like him?!" he gasped.

I grimaced, "Don't go jumping into conclusions!"

"But he liiiiikes you," he pressed on.

Eric kept asking and pestering me about Luke. Well I expect nothing less from this freak. He's kind of part of my daily life now. Well somehow at least.

One month has passed, I wonder what would happen in the succeeding months?

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