Chapter 27: Jokes are Half Meant

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We all sat on the warm white sand as we enjoyed the sweet smell of the wind with a little relaxing smell of the sea as well.

It really felt so good to the system.

Then I heard someone shouting over at us, “Emi? What’s the matter?”

I asked her as she panted in front of me and she sat on the sand in exhaustion, “The boys said they can’t come today, they’ll catch up tomorrow.”

I raised my eyebrow, “All of them?”

Emi blinked and nodded.

Every girl in our class is here, we were just waiting for the others, then this?

Then something came up to my mind.

“Hey guys, can any of you tell me what is it today?” I asked.

Everyone took out their phones and they looked at the calendar, they all grinned and said, “April 1!” in unison.

I grinned, “Girls do you wanna play?”

They all rose up to the balls of their feet and screamed, “Hell yeah!”

As we headed to the beach house I noticed a car sped by our group, a familiar car.

Then it occurred to me, I grinned, “Let’s see who plays this game the best,” and I followed the others to the estate.

It’s been five hours already since we started to enjoy the beach house to ourselves.

I started to explain to the girls what we would do for the boys. We solely figured out they had something planned for us since it’s their favorite time of the year, April fool’s Day, I rolled my eyes mentally with the thought.

Well, boys will be boys.

I asked some of the girls to go buy some vodka or those other things they usually drink.

So since obviously I don’t know what do you call them it’s pretty obvious I don’t drink alcoholic drinks, well except for wines or some champagne I guess.

The fun will start soon enough.

After a few minutes everything was set and it was already nine o’clock.

Everyone had their smug grins painted on their faces, including me.

“Hey Kate, so what are we gonna do?” Mia approached me as she held a bottle of whiskey high.

I grinned, “Well we can’t just let that sit in the cooler right?”

“Oh yeah it’s party time!” Emi shouted and turned on the speakers and music filled the whole estate and everyone started to dance freely.

“Sherlin! Help me with the drinks!” someone called out to me.

I followed her and we prepared everything, “So it’s set?”

“Well we placed two bottles of vodka, three bottles of whiskey and 2 bottles of sweet champagne,” She nodded, “We’re all set! I’m excited!”

I took two mugs and poured some of our little project “Well how about a toast?” I winked at her and offered her a mug.

She took it and giggled, “To an awesome night!” she gulped the whole content and exhaled as she placed the mug on the kitchen sink, “Woah! That hit the spot!” she shook her head.

I chuckled, “Hell yeah!” and I drank mine as well.

This will be fun.

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