Chapter 20: What's Wrong?

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"Oh bloody hell," I swore as I placed my right arm, bandaged due to the injury I had, on my closed eyes gently, and I felt the weight of my arm.

I've been absent for two days now, after the whole sports festivities.

I couldn't bring myself to go to school. Not when I feel so depressed and when I don't understand what's up with my self.

My head started to hurt again, as if it was being pounded with something really hard.

Plus I could feel my temperature getting hotter.

Stupid fever.

I heard a soft meow from below my bed.

"Hey Lucky," I murmured without changing my position.

I felt a soft leap on my bed as it sudded then I felt a warm and soft body lie on my stomach comfortably. It breathed in opposite rhythm with me.

For some reason, I've grown to love this cat.

He became my little friend and he tends to annoy me in a way and he makes me happy just like my grandmother.

The only reason I didn't sort of like him before was not the fact that he was from the streets and he's filthy, but it was the fact that I saw myself through this cat.

It was left all alone.

I shook the thought off my head and carressed the cat's soft fur with my free hand.

Then after a few seconds I felt a shot of unbearable stinging pain in my right hand.

I bit my lower lip.

I better see a doctor.

I gently sat up straight and my sight was all blurry, probably from shutting it for too long.

I tried to relax as Lucky leapt off of me and he waited patiently on the floor.

I felt the pain in my right hand again.

I tried to form a fist with it but when I did, the pain grew and I saw the bandages getting red.

I felt a hard thing inside my wound as it started to ooze more blood.

Maybe there's some mirror stuck in it. Well that's gross.

I gently went off my bed and didn't bother to fix it. I'll do that later.

I did my usual morning routine but there was the stinging effect of my wound.

It got more worse when I removed the bandages and saw it as I took a shower.

But amidst of my current situation, I had the guts to think of Eric Sanders.

The guy who actually doesn't give a damn about me.

I repulsively punched the wall with my injured hand in frustration.

More blood started to appear and I watched as the shpwer's water wash it all the way down to the drainage.

I grunted out the pain and prepared myself.

I placed a new and clean bandage around my wound and I went out.

When I arrived at the hospital I felt that awkward feeling of fear and disgust.

I just have to hurry up, I noted to myself.

When I finished my check up it turns out that there were a few shards of glasses in my wound.

It was good that I came earlier or else I might get admitted, my doctor commented as he was treating my wound.

"So where did you get this?" he asked as he started to clean my wound.

"Accident in school," I said plainly.

He smiled, "Did you tell your parents?" he asked.

I didn't respond. As if my parents would care.

"I see," my doctor retorted as he stitched my wound and applied some sort of ointment and then he placed the bandages.

"Thanks," I said as I reached for the door.

"Don't mention it Kate, I'm your uncle after all," he smiled at me and I nodded at him.

When I went out I saw a kid on a wheel chair, his other leg missing.

He appears to be loitering alone since no one's near him.

Then he turned to me and smiled, "Good day to you miss," and he went off.

I blinked in wonder.

"Poor child, he knows he only has a week left but he's still doing his best," I heard a nurse comment.

How can people smile?

How? When the whole world appears to be so unfair.

Its not that easy, especially with the truth weighing on your shoulders.

My phone beeped and I took it out.

I recieved a message from Kurt saying that he apologizes for the whole setup of putting me in the storage room.

I sighed, what immature people. I guess they believe in those movies where the characters make up after being trapped in some place.

I chuckled softly at the thought.

As I took the exit I headed towards the garden then something caught my eye.

A man, no wait, four men clad in black coats and some of them had those Sherlock Holmes tall hats.

Why do they look so familiar?

They appear to be talking to a man who appears to be distressed.

I assumed it was just a debt being paid or something.

One of the men turned to me and smiled as he lifted his hat and turned back to the man.

Does he know me?

Do I know him?

And come to think of it, its almost summer, and theyr'e wearing coats?

How weird.

I decided to walk around the town and after a few hours I ended up resting in the park.

The same park where Eric takes me, well drags me, when he wants to play with the swings.

I sat on one of the benches and I decided to buy a can of coke on the nearby store.

As I sat I saw a ton people with their own business.

But what flickered my mood was when I saw some couples walking around.

I felt a strong kick in my stomach.

I was depressed because I wasn't able to do the thing I love most these days!

I wasn't able to have any fun at all since I was busy shooing Eric off my sight!

I missed playing with my little puppets.

I felt my self grin grimly.

Well Eric has someone new to pester around now.

Well, why won't I make my absence in school for a week?

I'd love to play around for a while.

Besides, summer's almost up. Just a week and two days to go till the ending ceremony.

And the time for Eric to leave is also nearing, just a few more months.

Everything in my life before will come back, certainly.

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