Chapter 11: Epic Date!

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"What is this?" I asked with the hint of annoyance in my voice.

Eric blinked and pouted, "A zoo."

I did a face palm, "I know that! What I meant is why am I here with you?!" I asked angrily.

It was supposed to be a holiday but Eric barged in my house and brought me all the way here. When he saw me he immediately pulled me in a cab to go here.

Come to think of it I'm not wearing anything decent!

I'm just on shorts, a white sweater and some sneakers!


Eric sobbed, "But I just wanted to spend some time with you today!~"

I did not reply since I have no answer to his stupidity.

Gods he really pisses me off.

With me hanging around Eric I began to change a bit.

And I don't see this very pleasing.

When I become cold towards him, he just gives me a warm smile.

I can't shove him away because he'll just stick more to me.

I just can't seem to stay away from Eric. There's just this weird connection between us.

Ew. Well that sent me the whole creeps.

"Hey Pres!" I saw Luke waved at me.

He's here too? Isn't this more than just a mere coincidence?

I raised my hand in recognition and then Eric started growling like a mad dog.

I better take him to the vet to get vaccinated or something.

He also stared daggers at Luke and I smacked him on the back, "What's gotten into you?"

Eric didn't reply since Luke was already near us.

"Hi Eric," Luke offered a hand.

"Hello rival," Eric shook it and I kicked him on the knee making him wince in pain.

Luke blinked in question but I just shook my head.

Luke smiled, "Are you guys on a date?"

"NO!" (ME)


We both answered in unison, I glared at him and he smiled cutely.

"Hihi,"he mumbled.

Luke just laughed, "Well I'm off then," and he went off.

I felt a cold breeze suddenly pass that sent me some goosebumps.

What was that?

Eric on the other hand seemed very pleased, " Now we can enjoy our date~"

I smacked and when I was about to talk when he spoke, "I know its not a date for you but it is for ME."

I just kept silent because its pointless to argue with him.

We went around the whole place and I saw everything I expected to see.


Well this is more boring than I thought.

"Why are we even here? Is there some special event?" I asked in boredom.

He gaped at me as if I did some heinous crime. Then he began to sob and ran away.

Still leaving me clueless.

And of course, as the rule of nature applies... Well never mind. I just have to go after him for goodness' sake.

When I caught up to him I pulled him by the hem of his shirt, "Should I go?". I raised an eyebrow.

He seemed to have avoided my question and he smiled innocently, "Aww~ You went after me!" he said in glee.

I just growled at him in annoyance and he shielded himself for any further attacks from me.

Then he giggled and took me by the wrist.

Is this what they call a total change in character?

Eric pulled me towards a little shoot the target booth and I just watched him play.

But he ended up loosing. ALL THE TIME.

So I pulled him out of that stall but he sobbed like a child again.

I ended up buying him an ice cream but he still seems depressed because of the stall.

As we went to some cages I saw various couples hugging and cuddling each other.

Then it hit me.

I never really minded this day in my whole life since it really was to no value to me. Unless it concerns my little puppets and my play.

"Eric, stay here with the monkeys," I ordered him.

After a few short minutes I came back and I saw him staring mindlessly into nothingness.

He was clearly in deep thoughts.

He just stared above the skies as if he was looking for something I don't know what.

Ive never wondered till now that what kind of things does someone like Eric think.

Even if he's very cheerful does he feel sadness? Is he just actually in sorrow?

I mean there's always some sanity in every person.

I approached him and placed the little prize I had.

A panda beanie. Well that was all I could get. I was too lazy to get a bigger one.

When he noticed me he smiled brightly and was about to hug me when I pushed him away.

"Not in five years sweet tooth," I said and stood beside him.

I stared at the empty cage of a Siberian Tiger, I knew because I saw the sign. Too bad the cat isn't here.

"Thank you Katie! ^^ I love it~!" he giggled like a child and smiled like a dog.

It was Valentine's Day. The day for people who care about love.

People like Eric.

My total opposite.

"Yeah," I simply said but I felt a little tingle and at the same time a pinch of pain within me.

Maybe something's wrong with me huh? Oh well. I better set an appointment with my doctor

"Oh I knew I you couldn't resist my cuteness!" he added happily.

I raised my eyebrow and snapped I in anger silently.

I took Eric by his collar, opened the tiger cage and threw him in there.

I locked it.

"Eeeh?! Katieee!! Nuuuu dun leave meeee!" he shouted and I started walking away.

I was DEFINITELY wrong.

Not every person has some sanity left in themselves.

Vanity, well that's another case.

Oh well, as I left I heard a growl and Eric shouted and pleaded for help.

I turned and saw the tiger. Ooh, so it was just sleeping?

Well that means it must be hungry.

Hmm.. It says that do not feed the animals but I guess meat is an exception.

I stared at Eric who looked freakishly afraid.

Meh. His lives never run out.

So I totally walked away and left him there for good.

Enjoying the rest of the day to myself.

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