Chapter 29: Simplicity is a Virtue

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We were all at the beach, most of my classmates decided to go take a dip in the cool sea water, others decided to check out on the other famous spots, while I decided to just sit under an umbrella.

“It’s such a nice weather and you’re not swimming?” Eric sat beside me, his hair wet and the drops of water on his bare chest shone. He offered me a can of soda and I took it.

“I’d prefer to sit back and relax, besides the sea is just an expanded form of the tub with just some salt in it,” I said humorlessly as I opened the can with a flick and I heard the drink sizzle inside.

He laughed, “I really love how your mind works,” he ruffled my hair and I smacked it off.

“I’m not a dog,” I mumbled and watched the others play around, as if no one had a problem.

“Oh don’t worry even if you are, I’ll still love you,” he winked at me with his cheeky little grin on his face, “I’ll make sure I’ll take good care of you, like bathing you every day,” he added.

My face screwed up in horror, “I’d bite you for countless times before you could even touch me!”

He stuck his tongue out, “You will be mine, it’s inevitable.”

I didn’t reply but I just gave him a good punch right on his guts and I stood up leaving him there crouching in pain. I felt myself grin in satisfaction.

Gods, the nerve of that guy!

I went up to the nearest outdoor café and I saw Emi. She mindlessly stirred her drink as her eyes looked far away. The side of her face leaning on her hand.

“Hey Emi, what’s wrong?” I tapped her on the shoulder and she blinked thrice before realizing it was me.

“Oh? Hey Kate,” she said and stared down at her cup.

I sat on the other vacant chair; I assumed she wasn’t with anyone at all, “What’s gotten into you?” I leaned in closer to her.

She frowned and bit her lip, “I saw him Kate. I saw the man I tried to forget.”

A man she loved? Definitely, its written all over her face.

I nodded and sat back on the chair, relaxing, “Ah, did he see you too?”

She smiled bitterly.

“What did he say?” I suddenly became interested; this might be a good one. I’m glad I came with these people; I finally found a good entertainment.

“His exact words were, ‘I’m surprised you’re still breathing.’” she said as she clenched her hands into fists.

I placed a hand on my mouth and hummed for a moment, I tried to recall something then I looked at her, “Is this guy’s name Ethan Keeves?”

She blinked in surprise and nodded.

“I see, answer me this one question though,” I looked at her seriously and she nodded, she still seemed to be frazzled, “Did you or did you not make a bet out of him?”

I heard this story once from gossips around school, Ethan Keeves, one of the smart-ass kids in our batch was used in a bet by a group of girls.

She frowned; “I did, but I backed out because I love him but…” she trailed off.

“…It was too late?” I continued her sentence and she nodded, upset.

“I know it shouldn’t bother me anymore because it was my fault but it pains me because he still has that hatred engraved in his eyes,” she looked at me pleadingly, she was asking for my help.

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