Chapter 7: More to Know

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Good grief its weekend!

It was still five a.m. in the morning so I decided to take a short run.

I took some money and left the house.

I started phasing up and jogged up hill. I breathe in the cool air.

It feels so relaxing.

Come to think of it, its been two weeks since Eric came and a lot of things happened.


I'm thankful that I'm still in one piece.

And I'm severely glad that he's not here to pester we all around.

"Hey Katie!"

I spoke too soon! Is this what they call a jinx?!

I almost stumbled as I heard that squeaky (not really) and annoying voice that belongs to one person in this world.

"Is there a day that you're not around me?" I asked, annoyed.

I stopped jogging and so did he.

"Um," he paused in thought, "No," and he smirked cheekily.

"Besides I only have a year to be with you. I might as well enjoy my time," a hint of sadness was in his voice.

Now he's sentimental? Seriously?

I couldn't stop myself so I ended up punching him real hard.

Eric just laughed, "Aw, you're so adorably violent!" he said glee.

I felt my eye twitch, "Freak!" and I started to jog once again, a bit faster.

But he caught up anyways.

"Yep, I'm freakishly handsome," he noted.

I swear if this was an animated film my face would look like this : (=___=)

Though, even with this freak with me, I can't deny jogging feels great.

And I bet it would be more enjoyable without Eric tailing me.

We stopped as we reached a café.

"Lets take a break here," I said and went in. Eric followed.

We both ordered black coffee. But I had some pancakes while he asked for a cake.

Doesn't he get cavities? He eats too much sweets!

As we took a seat I saw a familiar face. After a few moments that person also noticed my presence and approached me.

"You! Its a miracle you're still alive!" he blurted out.

"Hm, you see bad grass don't die easily," I grinned.

He hissed, "Because of you-!"

"She left you?" I smirked, "Oh please it was because of your own stupidity."

"That's because you set us up! You used the opportunity of my bad situation at that time!" he said, enraged.

"I'm--" I got cut off as Eric placed his hand in front of my mouth.

"I'm sure Kate's sorry for what she's done. But I'm sure you'll find happiness. You see its not all over yet," Eric inserted.

"Even if she is, no one would learn to love her! And that's so easy for you to say!" he replied.

Eric smiled, "You're still alive right? That means there's still hope. That means many great things will come to you."

Its his smile that moves people and his words that make them realize and wake up.

The man was left dumbfounded.

The next moments were awfully silent. The man left and Eric and I didn't speak a word.

"Katie? What's wrong? Does that man's words bother you?" he asked in concern and pouted.

"Hmm... Nothing," I plainly answered.

I don't know what but Eric seems to penetrate and see right through me.

"You know, that armor you surround yourself with is actually full of holes and chunks," he said quietly as he finished gobbling his cake.

"Maybe. But aside that, are you not afraid that I would just end up using you?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

He smiled brightly, "Nope. Because I like you and I have faith in you. Plus I really have to take the risks."

I studied him. Gods, he's way too honest.

This would really put him in trouble.

I blinked, "Why is it that most people say that?" I peered.

"That's because we experience the same thing, which is real and its love," he winked and smiled.

Well that's gross.

I placed my cheek on my hand and looked away, "Hmm."

When Eric said those words its as if something warm triggered and travelled through my body.

"Remember," a whisper passed by.

I raised an eyebrow and wondered who it was.

Am I hallucinating now? Gods, its because of the caffeine.

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