Be My Girlfriend

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Taylor’s POV

I ran the bath and filled it then put in some bubbles. I’ve been crying for about half an hour about what Jackson said. Everyone has been knocking on the door and asking if I was okay. I wish it was that easy to tell them.


I was at the club with my older brother after he sneaked me into it with a fake ID card. I was underage (15) and we thought it would be good fun to get wasted together.

He introduced me to his friends, one of them was pretty cute, and his name was Nathan Carr. He was the biggest cutie, he was sweet, he had charm, he was VERY gentlemanly... or so I thought.

I ended up getting drunk, but I was still smart enough to make my own decisions. I ended up getting caught up dancing and I felt someone behind me who was grinding on me.

I went to the bar and got another drink when I was pushed up against the wall by a strong male figure. His breathe stank of alcohol. ‘Why don’t we get out of here baby?’ His words were slurred.

‘No, sorry I’ve got to find my brother.’ I smiled and walked away.

‘He wanted me to fuck you baby, he doesn’t care about you.’ He pushed me against the wall.

‘NO’ I yelled. He looked furious. He put his hand over my mouth as he picked me up over his shoulder and pushed me into an empty alleyway.

‘Please don’t.’ I whispered because that was all that would come out of my mouth.

‘When I want someone I get it.’ He growled and ended up raping me.


I gasped loudly and started to cry even harder. I got out of the bath and opened the draw. I pulled out my old razor and cut into the still sensitive skin. My old scars were just healing and I just had to ruin it with this stupid depression.

After I finished I wiped up the blood on my arm, some that fell on the floor and the sink. I got dressed and walked to my room. I could smell dinner was ready but I don’t deserve dinner. I’m too fat, look at me. I was about to walk to my bed when I saw Luke in my room crying into Ashton’s shoulder, he was trying to comfort Luke.

Luke’s POV

I couldn’t stop crying. I was a pathetic best friend to Taylor; she could be hurting herself because of me, or worse. I can’t believe I’ve been ignoring her for a whole month. Only because I’ve been asking Amber how to ask her out. Ashton was comforting me. Until I heard to door open and I heard Taylor gasps. I looked up and saw her tear-stained eyes. Ashton smiled and left the room and let me and Taylor sort things out between us. After Ashton left the room she ran up to me and hugged me sobbing into my chest. I hugged her tight and drew little circles on her back with my thumb, which seemed to calm her down a bit.  I heard her sigh when she pulled back I sat on the bed with her. She looked straight into my eyes, they were full of sadness, and I hope that wasn’t my entire fault. ‘Taylor I’m so sorry I’ve been ignoring you I just needed to ask Amber how to ask you out because I love you and I’d never do anything to hurt you and I need you to trust me and give me a second chance. Taylor will you please be my girlfriend?’ She had a blank expression on her face when I finished and my own dropped.  Then I felt her hugging me again. ‘Of course I will Luke, I love you so much.’ I hugged her back and smiled then kissed her on the cheek. ‘Babe?’ I asked with worry in my eyes. I needed to know what happened to her today that made her so upset. ‘Yes Luke?’ ‘Can you please tell me what happened today?’ She sighed, ‘my brother came today to come and see me, and before you ask yes, the one that wanted to punch you in the face two years ago, anyway. We drove to the park to catch up and I told him how I never stopped loving you and that we became best friends again after you moved back to Sydney and he just snapped saying he never wanted anything to do with me anymore. And he brought up when I got raped when I was fifteen.’ She was crying into her hands as she told me everything that had happened. I felt so bad!! I gave her a hug. When I felt something on her arms. I pulled up her sleeve and saw she cut herself. ‘I’m so sorry Luke I just felt so alone.’ I comforted her, ‘hey don’t ever be sorry, if wasn’t your fault, he’s an idiot for leaving your life, I would never do that, I promise just please tell me if anything happens that makes you want to do this, beautiful?’ She smiled and sighed in relief. I kissed each one of her cuts individually and then her lips. Her eyes were drooping shut slowly so I lay her down and we spooned. I kiss her cheek as she falls asleep. ‘I love you so much Taylor.’ Then I fell asleep with my beautiful girlfriend in my arms.

Tarra’s POV

I heard the conversation Luke and Taylor had last night. Finally they’re together, and they sorted everything out. But now I and Ashton are arguing about the smallest stupidest things, lucky everyone else is happy.

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