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Briana’s POV

I went to have a shower after our jamming session. Taylor was such a good singer. She could go really far if she wanted to. I got undressed and hopped into the shower. I turned the shower and washed my hair. I panicked as I saw it was coconut shampoo and conditioner because I am allergic to it. “MICHAEL!!” I yelled, it started to burn and it was itchy. It felt like my head was on fire. I thought I was going to die. I started having a panic attack. Michael came in and he saw me crying. “Bri what’s wrong?” He asked worriedly. “Mike its coconut.” His eyes shot open, “Shit, come on get out of the shower, I’ll get your needle.” He put the towel around my body and I sat on the floor. It sucked because I was scared of needles and it was the only way my allergic reaction would stop. He walked me out and sat me down on the table still only in my towel.

Michael’s POV

“Mike I’m gunna die, I don’t want to die.” Taylor ran in and I didn’t know what to do. “Taylor help!” “What’s wrong?” “Briana used coconut shampoo and she’s allergic to it and the only way to stop the allergic reaction is to have the needle and she won’t and she’s having a panic attack.” Taylor sat down and looked at Briana. “Bri, you’re going to be okay, Shhhh it’s alright, Mike’s here, the boys are here, I’m here and Brittany’s here, you’ll be okay.” Taylor put the needle in her arm and Briana was still looking at Taylor. Briana calmed down and she hugged Taylor, “thank you so much!” Taylor smiled knowing I needed to talk to Briana. She hugged me, “Mike I’m sorry I put you through that, it was an accident I promise, thank you for saving me.” I hugged her back and kissed her head. “It’s okay Bri you need to apologise.” I cupped her face in my hands and made her look at me. “I love you Briana.” She smiled, “I love you too Mike, shit I’m still not dressed.” I smiled and let her get dressed then after I made her a cheese toastie because she was hungry. She almost immediately fell asleep on our bunk and I cuddle up to her after she does. I kiss her head, “Goodnight beautiful.”


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