The Big Fight

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Amber’s POV

I went up the room Tarra ran into because everyone downstairs wanted to know what happened, Taylor was most concerned. I eavesdropped on their conversation. I waited about ten minutes, wow so she had a miscarriage. She didn’t deserve a baby anyway I bet she lied when she said it was Ashton’s. I walk back downstairs as soon as they stop talking. Everyone downstairs was talking at the same time. They were all talking over the top of each other so without thinking, I yelled, ‘TARRA HAD A MISCARRIAGE STOP YELLING OVER ME.’ I guess it wasn’t the smartest idea because I heard footsteps coming down stairs and it was Tarra and Ashton. ‘Tarra stop don’t do this.’ Ashton tried to hold her back. Tarra walked towards me and stopped right in front of me. ‘Who gave you the fucking right to tell everyone about that you little cunt.’ She took a step closer.

‘Everyone was worried about you so...-‘ ‘No I don’t give three fucks, if you all wanted to know what happen you come to me and ask not fucking eavesdrop on us.’ Taylor stood up and got out of Luke’s grip. She looked at her feet, ‘I’m sorry Tarra it was my fault I was so worried about you I’ve never seen you so upset before.’ Everyone said sorry to Tarra accept me, I’m not apologising for something stupid like that! Tarra hugged Taylor, ‘it’s okay babe I forgive you. I understand why it just hurts to know this bitch over here didn’t just ask.’ She pointed to me and moved back from their hug.

Calum’s POV

Amber and Tarra kept yelling at each other, we all just sat back hoping they would yell it out. Until Tarra pushed Amber against the wall and punched Amber in the face, Amber hit Tarra back and they were having a full on fight. Amber pulled Tarra’s hair and Tarra kneed her in the face. Taylor stood up and tried to break them up and she got punched in the face by Amber and her nose started bleeding she couldn’t get out of the middle so Taylor was getting hit the most and Amber didn’t realise she thought it was Tarra still she got a glass pot plant and smashed it over Taylors head, she dropped to the floor not moving. I and Luke stood up and Ashton grabbed Tarra and Michael took Amber outside and I went to the kitchen to get a wet cloth while Luke and Brittany lifted Taylor onto the lounge. Once Tarra came back into the lounge room she went to go outside and Ashton stopped her, ‘we need to look after her.’ Pointing to Taylor. Tarra nodded and calmed herself down. I gave Luke the wet cloth and he cleaned the blood off her face and the top of her head where the pot plant hit her head.

Tarra looked at the ground ashamed, ‘I’m sorry Luke this is my fault!’ Luke looked up from Taylor, his eyes watery, ‘no Tarra it’s not I just wish Taylor didn’t get caught up in the middle of it all.’ Tarra smiled a bit, ‘this is why I love her you know, she thinks about others before herself.’ Tarra kneeled down and played with Taylor’s hair. ‘I’m so sorry I’ll make it up to you I promise.’ Taylor’s eyed slowly opened and Luke smiled and kissed her forehead. ‘Are you okay babe?’ ‘My head fucking hurts.’ Taylor sat up and stood up and nearly fell but Luke caught her. ‘Luke I’m fine.’ ‘No you’re not babe just lay down okay? What do you need I’ll get if for you.’ ‘Just a glass of water please.’ She gave in knowing we would all tell her not to get up. Luke came back with the water and she drank it all in less than a minute. Luke went to take it back when Brittany takes the glass. ‘I’ll take it out.’ I heard the door open and out heads all shot up and we thought we were hearing things because we didn’t see anything, must be the wind.

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