I'll Always Protect You

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Taylor’s POV

I slowly got out of bed after another sleepless night. I don’t want to go to sleep because every time I do I just have nightmares of that horrid man. It was about 8 in the morning. I dragged myself to the bathroom. I looked hideous. My eyes were red and puffy; they had big bags under them from lack of sleep. My body shape was horrendous, I was way too big, and I just looked terrible. I walked back into mine and Luke’s room and got dressed into some sweat pants and one of Luke’s black jumpers. I slipped on my vans and did my hair up in a messy bun. I put on some make-up to hide my hideous face and I walked into mine and Luke’s room. I was too afraid to go to Starbucks alone so I was going to ask Luke to come with me. I shook him a bit and he sleepily woke up, “Are you okay babe?” I shook my head no. “Luke I really need to go to Starbucks but I’m too scared to go alone can you please come with me?” I whispered the last part and he got up. He hugged me tight. “Don’t ever be hesitant to ask me if you need something babe, give me ten minutes to get ready then we’ll go okay?” I nodded and sit on the bed. Luke got dressed into some skinny jeans and a nirvana shirt. He quickly put on a beanie so he didn’t have to do his hair. He put on his black vans and I got my purse. The sun was coming up as we walked to Starbucks. Luke’s hand found it’s way to my own and we walked into Starbucks hands intertwined. I ordered a vanilla Frappuccino and Luke got a coffee. I paid for it and we got our drinks and left Starbucks. We were walking home and I saw the man who raped me and he smiled a scary smile and he winked at me. I went to walk faster but the man called my name. “Taylor.” How does he know my name? I turned back in terror and he smiled. “How do you know my name?” “Well we did have fun the other night didn’t we?” I started shaking at the terrible memory and Luke looked at me questioningly. “L-leave me alone.” My breathe hitched in my throat and it made breathing difficult. I dug my fingernails into Luke’s hand like I always do when I’m scared or anxious. Luke knew who he was, well not who he was but what he had done to me. He took a step forward towards the man. “If you ever touch my girlfriend again you won’t wish you’d been born.” The man laughed. Luke pushed him hard against the wall and the man pulled out a knife and he tried to run towards me and stab me. Luke kicked the man in the nuts and he dropped. Luke kept punching him. “Don’t. You. Ever. Touch. Her. Again!” The man was unconscious and I couldn’t stop crying, “Luke can we please just go home now?” He looked at me with rage in his eyes and he walked over to me and I thought he was going to hit me so I backed up against the brick wall and slid down, Luke’s face softened once he saw how frightened I was of him. A single tear left his eye, “I’m sorry for scaring you baby, it’s just what he did to you I couldn’t just let him walk away without some adjustments.” He helped me off the ground and he held me tight. “Thank you for protecting me Luke.” “I’ll always protect you sweetie.” I smiled and handed him his coffee and we walked home. I opened the door and Luke walked in after me and Brittany ran up and hugged me, “Oh gosh we were all worried about you guys.” Everyone was in the living room. “Sorry guys we just went to Starbucks.” Michael was looking at Luke for a minute, “Luke what happened to your face?” “Haha, very funny Michael.” “No I’m dead serious there’s blood on your face.” “Oh shit.” Luke mumbled and went to the bathroom. “Taylor what’s going on?” Ashton was looking at me and I walked over and sat on the lounge. “Okay, so I wanted to go to Starbucks so I asked Luke to come with me, and on the way back home, I-I saw the guy that raped me and Luke knew so he punched the shit out of him and he tried to stab me.” Luke walked in and everyone looked at him wide-eyed. “What?” he sat next to me and everyone shook their head shrugging it off. “It was real brave of you Luke.” Briana confessed. Luke smiled, “Well I wasn’t going to let that asshole he could go and treat women like he does especially mine.” Luke kissed my cheek and I smiled. Calum’s phone went off, and he walked out signalling that it’s important. He came back in after ten minutes. He smiled, “guys were leaving tomorrow for early tour, we have to do like an extra four shows and the girls are allowed to come and there is a co-producer coming with us.” “YAY, I’m so excited!” Brittany squealed. No-on moved. “Guys…” Calum lifted his eyebrows and he looked at all of us. “We have to pack our bags…” We all got up and ran to our rooms and packed. I packed everything I could because I didn’t know exactly know what to pack. My two bags were full and I took a purse filled with personal stuff. I lie on the bed and sigh. “God that took forever, it must be hard always packing for tour.” Luke lies next to me, “that’s not the only reason it’s hard, it’s here leaving you here. So thank god you can come with us.” “How long are we going for Luke?” “I think it’s about ten months.” I laughed, “Holy shit I’m excited.” Luke chuckled, “Same here babe.” He kissed my head, “Go to sleep babe, your gunna need all the sleep you can get.” I smiled and fell asleep really excited for the tour to start.

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