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Taylor’s POV

The boys had been told they’d have the week off because Gus Bus had broken down. Luke and I decided to start planning on the wedding. It’s been four days and Luke had been choosing everything not even giving me a say in anything it’s actually really annoying and stressful. You sigh and slam your face against the table as you put yet another after several bridal books trying to find your perfect dress. Brittany, Briana and Hailey have already decided on what dress they all like and it’s taken care of. There was a knock on the door and you smile slightly as Luke walks in. Luke brings in three more books and he puts them on the table. “Hey babe I found these and I saw some pretty great dresses. Some of them would look really amazing on you.” Luke smiled, you lifted up your head. “I’ll look at them later Lukey, I just went through five of them bridal books and I’m really tired.” “But we want to be prepared and made sure everything’s perfect.” “Luke we don’t have to get married right away, I mean some people wait years before they actually get married.” Luke frowned, “So you DON’T want to get married?” Emphasizing the word don’t. “No Luke of course I do.” Luke took a step back and huffed, “Then why haven’t you even done anything to help get everything done?” Luke snapped. “Maybe because you don’t let me have a say in anything you want to fucking do it all and maybe I want to actually decide some stuff this isn’t just your wedding Luke, you’re not getting married to yourself.” “Well maybe if you don’t like the way I’m trying to save you from being stressed out then fine we should just cancel the damn wedding.” “You’re stressing me out from not letting me have a say Luke.” “Fine we’ll just call the fucking thing off.” “Fucking good!” I stormed pass Luke and walk out the door and slam it shut and I knock on Brittany’s and Calum’s door and she hugs me, “hey everything okay?” I just shook my head, “Do you think we could have a girl’s night?” Brittany smiled, “Of course babe! I’ll just go and tell Calum.” Brittany turns around and Calum’s there. “Tell me what babe?” Calum smiles. “Me and Taylor are going to have a girl’s night out, she’s a bit stressed from the wedding and all.” Calum nodded in understanding and he hugged Brittany and me. Then he closed the door as we walked to Michael’s and Briana’s room. We knock on the door and Briana opens it. Her face lights up then she saw how upset I am and her face fills with concern. She hugs me, “Hey what’s wrong?” I went to tell her but Brittany butts in. “We need a girl’s night out.” Briana smiled and nodded, “Mikey’s asleep so I’ll text him. Let’s go. Is Hailey coming?” Brittany smiled and shrugged as she knocked on Hailey’s and Ashton’s door. Ashton yawned and he rubbed his eyes, “Hey guy’s what’s up? Taylor you okay?” Ashton looked back at me and I smiled weakly. “Is Hailey here?” Briana smiled. “Uh she’s asleep actually can I leave a message?” I shook my head, “Just a girl’s night out it wasn’t important.” Ashton hugs me before we walked away and he went back to sleep I’m guessing. We walked out making sure no-one saw us and we went to the closest grog (Alcohol) shop. Brittany was the only one old enough so me and Briana waited outside and ten minutes later Brittany was carrying like four bags of alcohol. We went back to Gus Bus and because I have the key-card I swiped it and it opened. We turned the lights on and we went to the game room at the back of the bus. We took out the whiskey and bourbon. “You didn’t get coke to mix it.” Briana double checked the bag and Brittany laughed, “Oopsie.” Briana sighed, “Hey mixing with coke it is for the weak.” Brittany chuckled. I went and got some shot glasses and bought them back. I filled the four glasses up. “Taylor you got us glasses thanks…” She stopped as I downed the four by myself. I groaned, “Fuck it.” “Wow is wedding planning that stressful huh?” Briana said pouring herself a shot. I laughed, “Funny thing about that me and Luke stopped planning.” I slurred a bit. “What do you mean?” Brittany asked her eyebrows frowned. “Luke called off the wedding ‘cos he was doing everything and not giving me a say he may as well be marrying himself.” Briana dropped her glass. “Taylor I’m sorry.” “That’s horrible!” “It doesn’t matter now does it?” I opened a can of Woodstock bourbon and skulled half of it drowning my sorrow in alcohol.

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