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School starts again today which sucks. I didn't want to miss it but that doesn't mean I wanted to go. I had double sport, English, free lesson and then we had an hour in home room since there was things that the teachers needed to go over with everyone. I don't mind that since it gets me out of History.

"Waffles or pancakes bug?" Ruby asked as I got into the kitchen

"I don't mind" I said and she nodded 

She put 2 pancakes on a plate and some apple juice on the table. I thanked her and began to eat. I ate one and a half of my pancakes since I couldn't finish the other half. As long as I have more than half it's all good. 

"You taken your tablet Bec?"

I was given tablets from the hospital, apparently it helps with everything. I quickly took it and then went to get my school bag. I was so tired so I really didn't want to do sport. Once we got there I headed into homeroom since we was a little late this morning.

"I have missed you so much!!" Chloe smiled as I sat down 

She gave me a missive hug which I returned. I also gave Jesse hug. When homeroom was over me, Jesse and Chloe headed over to sport. Me and Chloe were holding hands the whole way, while she got changed I just went out side to see Ruby.

"Sitting out?" She asked and I nodded 

I am normally so up for sport but recently I have just been out of energy and tired. Doctor said I would be for a while though. I wish I didn't fuck everything up because I now feel like I have let people down and I am not even wanting to do sport when I normally want to. I hate everything right now.

I was currently on my phone while Ruby got the class started on some army course, the head of the sport department said all classes needed to do this. I have no idea why though. It was massive and would take them ages! When the hell did they set this up.

'First day here and I am already lost! 😭😭 xx' Bailey texted me

'Where are you at the moment and what class do you have? xx#

'I am near classroom E15 and I am meant to have sport but I can't find the changing rooms xx'

I told him to wait there, I am guessing he is in my class then. Ruby was still trying to get everyone started. This girl was having none of it and I could tell Ruby was getting annoyed. While she was dealing with another student I sneaked away to go and get Bailey. I know how he felt, but luckily I had Jesse and met a bunch of friends on the first day. I am sure Bailey will too!

"Hey!" I said as I seen him 

"I am so glad you answered your phone!" He huffed

I smiled a little at him and we began to head to the sport field. Since he was 20 minutes late he probably won't have to get involved when everyone else has already started, maybe he will in the second half of the lesson. 

"I was worried then!" Ruby sighed as she seen me 

"Sorry, I went to get Bailey. He is new here and got lost"

"Hi. I'm Miss. Mitchell but just call me Ruby. Don't worry about doing sport this first half since they have already started but the second half you are welcome to. You don't have to today since it is your first day" She smiled and he thanked her 

Ruby was about to ask Bailey a question when she saw Ashley standing to the side on her phone.

"I swear to god that girl" She huffed and walked over to her 

"Your sister seems so laid back. So are people in your class nice?" He asked me 

"Yeah they are all good. You will be fine here" I told him and he smiled

I looked over to see Chloe going through some tunnel thing. She looked over at me and seen I was talking to Bailey. She looked rather annoyed, jealousy is such a bitch. I got up, telling Bailey I would be back. 

"Jealousy is such a bitch right Chlo?" I smirked 

She rolled her eyes at me and went to carry on running. Before she could go I grabbed her face and gave her a kiss.

"He is a friend, don't worry" I said before going to sit down again 

The second half of sport Bailey joined in. It was football. They haven't started yet though.

"I refuse to play that game, I hate football and will never play it" I heard Chloe huff

She then came and sat next to me, Ruby coming over. Oh Jesus Christ.

"You have to take part in the lesson Chloe. Just because you don't like football doesn't mean you can sit out. Some people didn't like to do that army course but they got on with it. Football is 10 times easier than the course but you still did it!" Ruby told her 

"I do not care. Football is something I will never play so I wouldn't bother trying to get me to play"

"Then I will see you at lunch time for a detention for refusing an instruction from a staff member" 

"Yeah you will" Chloe huffed, annoyed 

I then laid down with my head in Chloe's lap while she began to braid a part of my hair.

"You have played football before? Why not today?" I asked

"I haven't seen my girlfriend in over a month. I needed to spend some time with her atleast" She told me 

I smiled happily and just let her braid my hair. I could honestly fall asleep right now. I didn't sleep well last night, I just kept thinking about mum and how I wanted to speak to her about everything.

"You are looking well though baby. You don't understand how proud I am of you" She said softly

"ThankYou for sticking by me Chlo. I know I haven't even seen you the whole time and I felt like worlds shittest girlfriend" I told her 

"I will always be here Bec. I don't mind, as long as you are now better. I would wait however long it took and you should know that. I love you"

"I love you too" I whispered happily 

Once sport was over I waited for Chloe to be finished getting changed. Bailey didn't have a free lesson next, just me, Chlo and Jesse. Stacey and Jordan had Science so hopefully they meet Bailey in there. 

"I have missed you Bec!" Jesse said as he headed over to me 

I smiled and said I missed him too. I did, he has been my best friend for so long. Me and Jesse have been here for a few minutes and everyone but Chloe has come out. I told Jesse I would go and see if she was in there. When I entered the changing rooms I seen her in her sport kit.

"Are you not getting changed?" I asked 

"No. Your sister knows I have a free lesson and is making me do sport since I refused to do it in the lesson" She sighed and walked out to the field

Really man? I went outside and got Jesse and we both headed round to the sports field and just sat on the grass and waited until the hour was over. We talked the whole time and just had a laugh. This is why he is my best friend. He can make me laugh when I am feeling so low. I love him like a brother and I really hope I don't loose him. 

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