~10~ The Butcher of San Fall

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"When I played football, I never set out to hurt anyone deliberately. Unless it was, you know, important ...like a league game or something?" ~ Dick Butkus  


So it turns out that May was absolutely right about the Singh the Stoic, because this dude has zero sense of humor. Mr. Singh turns out to be a very serious Sikh dude, with a seriously tight turban and a long beard to match. As soon as the bell rings he curtly introduces himself to the class. Then he stoically states that mathematics is sacred to him and that there will be a chapter test every Friday from now on.

At this point, I'm pretty sure Algebra II/Trig is going to kick my ass sideways for the next couple of months. On the upside, the big man in the turban seems to care less about tardy time, as he teaches real math and not Trainspotting for Dummies. So thanks to Singh's brevity in the introduction, I end up having plenty of time to study my minimap. So I am starting to have a relatively decent idea where I am at now. Aftermath class, I look for May back at her classroom, but her entire numbers class is long gone. So I head back to C hall for English Literature with Ms. Grant.  

Sliding into the back of classroom C-17, I find I am not the first, nor the last through the back door. Of course, all the usual prime corner spots are already taken. But as luck would have it, I spot an open seat in the back row, second to the window. So I slide right into the seat and drop anchor like I own the spot.

Unfortunately, my new cool spot also happens to be next to the last desk in the corner. A spot that is currently occupied by monster sized leather letterman with a large bone blonde blockhead. Thankfully to its square credit, the massive brick head is currently face down on the desktop. So it doesn't even try to look at me sideways, as I take what might be a possibly reserved seating for one of his fellow leatherheads or Cheerio groupies.

As soon as my ass hits the recycled plastic of my new throne of knowledge, and who walks in like he owns the place ...but the fussy little Lilliputian from this morning. And blaze me, because have a bad feeling the universe is about to balance the karmic scales of injustice. Finding May on the first day was a nice piece of good luck. The karmic price to pay for that good fortune ...Or'sir again.  

It's almost sadly cute how the haughty little hobbit walks up to the podium and glares at it. Clearly hating the poor podium for its height. Probably because he can't quite see all the way over the big boy podium. The midgety menace looks around for someone to be his normal-sized helper to remove the insulting impediment. So I drop my head on the desk, like the smart guy next to me, ignoring the issue. Then watch on as Or'sir proceeds to wrestle the real people podium into the corner, under the important announcement speaker box. 

After that insult to the vertically challenged is taken care of, Or'sir precedes to smile arrogantly out at his new flock of grammatically challenged victims. All clearly in dire need of all his never'cool. Namely the class full of kids who have all stopped talking and are all now rechecking their own "schway'dules" to make sure the midgety mini-man is in the right place.

So I double-check my own shcway'dule again, to make sure I too have the right room. I check that "Ms. Grant" is in fact supposed to be my teacher, not the fussy little circus midget who is glaring out over the crowd of clowns. Sure enough, even before the final warning bell has finished ringing the little thing is already snapping at us.

"Settle down people and take your seats, or I will start your year off with your first detention. I've already handed out five detentions today, and I am not averse to setting the first-day record for detentions given." He puffs up his sweater vest chest proudly, like this is all a dream come true. 

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