~38~ The Storm und Drang of Someone's Sister

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"Speak of the Devil and the horns will appear." ~Giovanni Torriano (1666)


Since May's Sinister Sister pulled her away from lunch, I have not been happy. Instead, I have been highly agitated and irritated. Made even more so since I saw May almost fall face first on the back stairs. Had it not been to for April's last-second save I probably would have lost my head and charged into the fray.

As it is I am barely keeping myself together. For the rest of the day my classes are edgy at best. I am worries, I am concerns, but I have not succumbed to my fears ...at least not yet. For I have looked into the eye of my dark goddess once more and been told to "Fear no more". And above all, I am forever faithful in my heresy.   

At the end of my last class, as soon as Dr. Doom invokes the 'five minutes to midnight',  I bolt out the back door without a second thought to the nigh end. I check for May in her Theater class, but she is not in her usual spot waiting for me. So I am almost sure now May is either still in the Nurse's Office or has already been sent home.

Out of the theater auditorium, I am rolling towards the Nurse's Office, when I spot a familiar ball of irritation in the distance. Hustling straight down the quad path right into the Other library. May's Sinister Sister storms through the front doors, shoving them out of her way like she owns the place and everyone in it.   

Beyond the glass, I see her rounding the corner to our usual carrel, and then glare around at the empty space. The petulant ponytail whipcracks and snaps as it seethes around scathingly at poor Clifboard. Who after being snapped at winces away in clear fear, then points out the glass right at me. The demoness turns around and we lock enraged eyes.

Her eyes narrow into mine like a gunslinger, before she storms at the double doors. At a glance, the first sign of the impending storm about to break is that her perfect ponytail is no longer perfect. It has started to fray and come unraveled, not unlike the girl herself.

So we have finally come to "that moment". The one that I have known that was on the horizon for us since our very first encounter back on the Annex Bleachers. So it has finally come to pass, for the fight she has to have. So of course, I am going to hand it right to her in spades and clubs.

"I'm supposed to tell you that she's not coming today, they sent her home." She snaps and snarls at me in passing. "She said she'd call you later and explain. I'm late to cheer practice...so buh bye."

"Well then, you should supposebly tell that me then, before you get back to practicing your cheer." I counter coldly, in clear irreverence to her existence. "Don't forget to stretch out first, I'd hate to see you pull something ...like a personality?"

"You know what asshole?" She stops short and seethes back at me quickly. "Every time I think you might not be that bad to have hanging around my sister? You just have to say something super stupid like that, just to prove what a freak you really are! So FYI asshole, they sent her home because her leg might be busted? She of course, didn't want you to know that yet, because she didn't want you to worry, as if!

"I checked for broken bones." I counter evenly.

"FYI asshole, you're not a doctor guy! You're just some dick that can swim fast!" She snaps back on attack. "And don't even get me started about that shit you slapped on my sister's leg. A slapstick!?! Are you fucking kidding me with that plan B bullshit?"

"Better than the nothing you had, when you left her sitting there bleeding into her socks." I counter back logically.

But I can see that April is now so far gone she's not hearing anything anymore. Now the beast is only out for blood, and woe and betides on anyone in her way. I know with a certainty, that if April was a guy? Yeah, we would already be trying to kill each other right there in the library atrium.

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