~ Author's Afterwards ~

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"So this is the end, my friend..." The Doors

Okay ...so all that just happened.

First off, I'd like to thank you for reading Fall in May all the way to the end. That was seriously crazy cool of you to do. I truly hope that you enjoyed the ride and that I didn't offend ...too flocking much. :) And for all votes and comments that you left on your way here, all I can say is thank you ...you totally made my days.  

So this was my very first-ever story on Wattpad and it was a lot of fun to do, and I hope you had fun too. But to be perfectly honest, I didn't start this story out with 100+ chapters in mind, but like a lot of strange creations it somehow took on a life of its own. (Butchenstein's monster comes to mind. LOL) So ultimately I made the decision to follow the title and cut the twisty tale off at the end of Fall. And yes, for those of you who know "What happens after the Fall", I did change up the ending a little. But not to worry, for those of you that know what's what with Maybe and her Daring Devil ...Winter is Coming!  

So in closing out this first part of the saga of Maybe and her Dare Devil, there are a few final thoughts that I would like to share with you, before moving on to the next thing. (Winter in May

I think like a lot of people, when I started posting my very first chapters on Wattpad I really had zero idea what I was doing ...or getting myself into? Which is probably why my account name ended up being Darrendean1 instead of Setting_Sun, which is actually what I write under.  

And I can't count how many times I had to explain that with: "No it's actually Setting_Sun, I flocked up when I signed up for my account. So it took me four months to figure out how to change it back to something else, but by then I was sorta stuck. And as we all learned in Sunset, you can't always pick your nickname ...but you do have to live with it.  

Besides, I'd have to be a serious megalomaniac to write a book by me, staring me ...all about how awesome I was skating around San Fall being cool, slaying dragons and sh*t. So no offense to crazy-cakes couch-jumping Tom Cruise ...but a big naw not on that noise. LOL     

So like every other Watt World newbie ever, when I first started out I really knew no one on Wattpad. I had zero "Followers" and I followed no one, for the first month. So of course, absolutely no one read my first ten chapters of misspelled "Awesomeness". And the only votes on Fall In May were my own ...which I did later remove in complete shame. LOL :)  

But I actually ended up reading one of those almost helpful articles on "How to be super successful on Wattpad". So following the simple instructions, I started getting into the "Read4Read" thing. You know just to get some feedback on what I was trying to do with my silly little story. And it was like this entire weird world just opened up and said, "Hey, wazzup? Follow me, I follow you back. And check this crazy sh*t I wrote out! Oh and please don't be a silent reader and sh*t or I will hunt you down and kill you in your sleep." So needless to say, for the first time since second grade ...I started reading out loud. You know, cause I didn't want to be a silent reader and sh*t?   

Truth be told, some of the stories I read were truly amazing. But then some of them were not so "amazeballs", and a few that were even sorta scary. To this day I will never be able to forget the Brony love that must not be named, as shared between Justin Beibier and Harry Styles in Going Down On One Direction *** (Totally changed the name to protect the innocent from accidental stumbling onto this very explicit tale of what in the Holy Hell is happening here?)  So while not trying to be too judgmental about the twisted tales of those two Brony boy toys in their Purple Lamborghini Penthouse of love? That particular Read4Read was a rough ride ...to say the least.    

Fall in MayWhere stories live. Discover now