~31~ In The Lair of Sleestak Queen

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There will come a day when youth will pass away
What will they say about me?
When the end comes, I know
I was just a gigolo
Life goes on without me

I Ain't Got Nobody ~ David Lee Roth


Thankfully, I don't have to wait an eternity contemplating my many sins on the old Conquistador sin contemplating bench, before her Eminence rolls in for final judgment. The little lady is even rocking those old raisin arch support shoes, those sickly off green-gray kind that squeak slightly on the tile floor. Not totally unlike Nurse Rachet from the Cuckoo's Nest. I really have to wonder if she is doing this for my benefit, just because I am half Insanistani on my mother's side? Or maybe this is just the way this tiny tyrant rolls on the regular? 

"Ah, and the Infamous Mr. Dean. And to what pray tell, do we owe this pleasure?" She grandly inquires with the gravitas of someone who wants me to suffer here in Hell for all eternity.

"You said to come to the office and get a late pass?" I have to remind her of her own words.   

"Well then, by all means, follow me." She bids me entrance to her domain. 

The Sleestak Queen leads me through the low saloon swinging gates, all the way back to her desk in the back of the office. Where once more she retakes her tiny tyrant throne. Her little desk throne is still just a rainbow of nicely organized stacks of multi-colored paper in various sizes and meanings, most of which I am sure are not good news. I do note that the clever "Here only Here" signage from my first visit is long gone. Oddly the Sleestak Queen still has no title nameplate placard thing, lauding how awesome she is at whatever it is that she actually does here? 

"Now do you mind explaining to me why it is that you were walking May Belle to her locker today, instead of her sister?" She starts blunt and right to the point, so it's pretty clear to me that all the pleasantries are over between us. 

I know I could take this opportunity totally throw April under the bus for ditching out on May for her shiny life as a popularity princess. But I don't snitch, not even on someone as clearly self-centered and screwed up as April's Fool appears to be. And like May said, only she gets to say shitty things about her sinister sister. A privileged that apparently doesn't extend to me.

"No." I dead eye her to see if she will blink first. 

But of course, she doesn't blink first. Because like all her Sleestak kith she has one of those creepy cold nictitating glare stares. So she just stares blankly up at me, just waiting for me to say something stupid, to justify my existence. But I show her and remain silent, keeping all my stupidity all to myself.   

"Well?" The Sleestak Queens eyes narrow into slicing slits as she tries to intimidate me with her mean Queen thing.  

Honestly, if I hadn't grown up around Sunny Hauser, and more recently ol Iris Irish. Then maybe this mean little lady might intimidate me, as clearly she is used to doing with everyone else. But after you've seen someone get their throat sliced open by a real Queen? A little church lady in squeaky old people shoes really don't scare much anymore.

"She asked me to, so I did." I shrug her off into oblivion, just in case this is one of those sneaky Sleestak tricks. Leaving the She in question as ambiguous as possible, thus allowing the mean old lady drawn her own conclusions as to which Grimm sister I speak of. 

"I see." She bobs her big beehive hair slowly in crocodilian contemplation. "I can not help but notice you've been having lunch every day with May Belle since school started. Why is that, Mr. Dean?" She inquires with accusatory eyes, in the way of her reptilian people.

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