~29~ Study Buddies in the Other Library.

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I'm expressing with my full capabilities
And now I'm living in correctional facilities

Express Yourself ~ N.W.A.


After drifting away from May, I spend the next hour zoning through numbers with Singh-a-long.  Then off to hate the English with Or'sir. Even before my ass hits the seat Butcher is already asking if I saw him bash the shit out of the Fallon quarterback and sent him off the field on a Gatorade cart. I can tell that Butch is super psyched that he broke that "passing flocker's face" in several places on the way to another bloody victory over those "Fags from Fallon".  

Unfortunately, I have to lie and tell him I couldn't make it to the game. Because I got stuck at work with a couple of old raisins, Walter and Mary Margret Corn. Oddly Butch seems very disappointed with this, but tries to shrug it off as:"No big, it was just a flocking preseason game anyways". I do stoke his ego a bit when I tell him that my grandfather guy was super thrilled about the victory over Fallon when he read about it in the paper on Saturday morning. That Aces was even more impressed, when I told him that I knew someone as awesomely heterosexual as Butcher Barnes. 

This seems to make the monster feel much better about himself, and at me for missing out on seeing him "slaying the shit out of Fallon Fag QB1 and beating his dick into the dirt".  So he proceeds to tell me all about the glorious fall of the flocking Fallon to Butcher and the boys in bruise blue. Sometimes I really have to wonder if Butchy actually hears some of the things he thinks? Or if he just waits for his translator to let him know what he said that once time?

After I escape the old English, I spend the obligatory hour of power with Chad thinking of new ways to test our manly fitness. Today Captain Midnight decides that we should all hit the weight room for a little thing he likes to call, "pushing it until it gets hard".  The upside of this is that all the freshmeat can manage to do is hurt themselves hard on all the weight benches. I see no less than two of the meatheads drop twenty-five-pound plates on their feet. 

Not to be outdone, Sporka hits a new all-time personal low for malingering, when he fakes pulling a groin muscle. Then asks Chad if he can go to the nurse's office and have her check his groin out. Chad of course completely misses the fat bastards grinning face as he fake limps his way to get his groin "totally checked out" by the nurse.  

So after another shower of power, scarring the freshmeat with my ink, I am done with Capt Midnight. So I hit the lunch shelter and for a nice lunch with May and surprise leftover pizza. Which thrills her to no end, cause clearly this feisty little girl is seriously into her pizza. We mostly spend leftover pizza lunch discussing how awesome dummy Math was for May. As Coach Subsistute O'Something went over the Friday's game statistics with everyone in her dummy math class. So after a pretty damn decent lunch, I zone thru Drone Strike, Art Art, Senorita Loca Gato and Dr. Doom. After which I head towards my final destination of the day ...Detention.  

Earlier in English, I asked Butchy about detention, who I correctly presumed has seen the inside of the punitive side of this institution more than once. So thanks to Butchy, I learned that detention is held in the 'Other' Library. According to Butchy directions,  "You just go to the not the 'Library Library', with all the computers and desks and shit in it? But the Other one next to the Library-Library ...with all the big books and tables and shit in it." Apparently, this school library has an 'Other' friend, and oddly enough the Other Library is almost attached to the Library Library, so go figure.   

So thanks to Butchy's startlingly accurate directions, I find the Other Library with relative ease, and with plenty of time to spare to hit the head. I always try to make a point to use the facilities before detention, so as not to suffer the water torture of an ever-increasing need to urinate after the first five minutes. Looking around the 'Other Library', I realize that Butchy was right about one thing, this place certainly has a lot of big books. So knowing Butchy as I do now, this place must scare the crap out of him, with its millions of words watching him and whispering thinking things behind his back.    

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