~17~ Taco Tuesday with the Three Amigos

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"Mexico! Surfboards! Guns! I like fights, I've dove through windows, I've eaten light bulbs, I like sharks or any kind of blood. If you gave me a gun, I'd shoot you in the face for fun! Just to see what it looked like when the bullet hit."  ~ Leroy the Masochist Zen Anarchist


Three minutes before the lunch bell rings, I spot May emerging from the gate with her sinister sister in tow. I watch intently how April wraiths around May, trying to learn her tricks, as she has been doing it for far longer than I have. I find it interesting how April seems less to lead May along, so much as she seems to float effortlessly in and around May's wake. Much more like a ballerina on a string, then an anchor holding her back. The Grimm sisters slow their roll into the shelter past the battle banners and slide up to the grim spot.

"Oh look May'May, he's waiting here ...again. So yay, you." April snarks snidely walking up with May in tow. 

"Hey, tough guy ...long time no see," May smirks slices off at her sister, or at me or both of us. It's kind of hard to tell by the oblique angle of the slice, just who she is cutting. But I can already feel the cold hate I was holding, start to evaporate in her pleasant presence.

"Zup May. And hey ...you." I evil eye the Sinister Sister. After this morning's shower fun, I am seriously not in the mood for any of April's "me'me'me" malfunction.

"May, bench."  April ignores and glides May down to the bench one across from me.  "What do you want to drink with your lunch? Milk, juice, or water?"

"Milk please," May smirks. "I've heard it's good for my broken bones, or so they keep telling me."

"Awesomesauce." April snorts. "So have fun with your little lunch buddy, and I'll be back as soon as I can."

April gives me one last scathing stare, before with a whipcrack snap of her super sharp ponytail, the Sinister Sister stalks off to fetch food. Or to terrorize the poor lunch ladies with her personality.

"I am starting to get the distinct impression that someone's sister does not like me very much,"  I observe dryly.

"Meh, don't take it personally." May shrugs. "Contrary to the peppy plastic personality and all the adoration, April really has very little use for the rest of humanity. All her real friends are pregnant pageant teen moms with their own reality TV shows. So you can do the math on that."

"That sounds healthy." I snort in the local custom.

"Trust me, it's really better that way for everyone." May snorts in retort. "While I love my sister to death, she is who she is. So I wish her nothing but the best hunting on the rest of the herd. After all, the world just has way too many fake blonde cheerleaders in it. So her mission this year is to infiltrate the Rah'Rah rank and file, and then when the time is right... Coup d'état bitches! Then cull the coven of cheer down to only the real blondes. Trust me when I tell you ...heads will roll."

"Dare to dream." I intone as the late lunch bell rings, which reminds me of this morning. "By the way, is everything okay with you, May?"

"Ah yeah?" She flicks a slight hesitation frown down. "Why do you ask?" 

"Cause you weren't in homeroom this morning, so..." I trail off not wanting to push into her personal places uninvited. 

"Oh yeah, I had a doctor's appointment thing." She merely shrugs me off.

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