~30~ A Wyrd Wednesday

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 "Only in the darkness can you see the stars" ~ Martin Luther King Jr.


Wednesday - September 17th

Compared to all the fun of last week, it has been an oddly dull week in Hell so far. I've picked up yet another detention for "talking during Important Announcements" in homeroom, catching up on May's morning. So I think it's safe to say that Or'sir and I have pretty much established our loath/hate relationship at this point. Not that I particularly care about getting another detention. Especially seeing it gives me an extra hour a day to hang with May after school in Study Buddies.

Maybe it's just my imagination, but ever since what May insists on calling Blind Date Night has become a thing? I am starting to catch May smiling a little more ...maybe even sometimes at me? Conversely, her sinister sister scowls in disapproval even more than before. So much for all the time she spends practicing her cheer.

Per our usual custom, May and I are all alone on Devil May Care Island again for lunch. Someone's sinister sister has come and gone, without so much a word edgewise. May and I have been up to our usual retelling the tales of our respective morning's adventures here in Hell. When I check the time and see that lunch is almost at an end, I realize that I have lost nearly another hour of my day chatting away with May. Losing time was something that used to happen a lot when I was a kid. But I'm not really worried about the lost time when I am with May, as it is time well misspent.

"So looks like lunch is almost over?" I glance around the shelter, but I do not see May's bratty baby sister April anywhere to be found.

"That's too bad, cause I had a couple of really awkward blind dating stories left to tell." May snickers mischievously at the memory of my most recent bout with stupidity.

"Sorry May, but I'm afraid that any of your awkward adventure stories are just going to have to wait until after school." I sigh sadly.

"Oh, and what happens after school?" May inquires almost innocently

"Ah..." And like a fly in an amber web, I am now stuck in her trap. "...well, as you know I do have study buddies as usual? Or we could always blow that off and just hang out somewhere else? You know, if you don't have anything else going on?"

"Okay, just let me check my busy sightseeing calendar." May pretends to think this through for a heartbeat or two. "Nope, I'm all free till Somone's Sister gets out of practicing her cheer at Triangle Troops. So speaking of awkward periods, any sign of April Fool? I mean other than the trail of tears, broken boy's and torn balloon wrappers?"

"Hold on, let me check for signs of the cult of cheer. " I snort.

I stand up and scour the shelter for the Someone's Sister and her coven of fear. I finally spot what looks like May's sinister sister, hanging around a crowd of Junior Varsity jockstraps out by the baseball field fences. I immediately recognize Buster's big blonde bulbous head among the various hanger-on's that aren't yet good enough to sit with the varsity.

"Yeah, I think I see her with her coven having a gang war with the Spirit Squad over by the edge baseball field? You want me to go fetch her for you, before she claws someone else's dreams to death?"

"That would be cool of you to do." May pauses and a wicked quirk of her smirk. "Or on second thought, how do you feel about having some fun at Someone's Sister's expense for interrupting Blind Date Night?"

"Suddenly, I feel very positive about this fun at Someone's Sister's expense, you speak of." I perk up positively. 

In all honestly I really do enjoy a little mean-spirited fun at Someone's Sister's expense. As most of my interactions and reactions with April's Fool to date have been anything but chillax. Ever since our blind date night of late, I always feel like Someone's Sister and I are right on the edge of a nasty argument that I won't understand? But the bomb has yet to drop to get that party really started right.

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