~11~ PE with Captain Midnight.

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"If he was any dumber we would have to water him twice a week." ~ James Carville


After I make my escape from Old English with Or'sir, I head outside into the fresh air for my last class before lunch, Physical Education. Another problem with my transcripts from my old school Seaside High is that I've never actually had a regular P.E. class before. Seaside counted surfing for our P.E. credit and seeing I've been in the water since I was seven, that was a no-brainer for me and the rest of the Setters.

Unfortunately for me, Hell on the Hill doesn't recognize surfing as an extracurricular sport. So without a "real sport" to credit, I've been stuck in Level 1 PE with a bunch of the flocking freshmen. So out into the fresh air I go, towards the blacktop basketball courts, and a large flock of clearly lost freshmen kids.  

Typical freshmeat, are just lingering around the blacktop and looking all kinds of "stupid new".  Truth be told, other than lunch this one class I've been even slightly looking forward to ...right up to the point I spot none other than my two least favorite Plungers. 

Brad Weston and Chad Collins, colloquially known around the Plunge Pool as "Brad 'n' Chad". The two former Plungers are lounging in the shade of a covered golf cart, sitting Shiva over the herd of scared and confused freshmeat. 

Brad was my direct supervisor for the entire week I worked the Plunge guarding the kiddie pool, right before I got fired for saving the wrong kid from drowning. A former San Fall Hills High swimming star turned mediocre collegiate swimmer, turned swim coach, and summer lifeguard for life.

Honestly, I actually respected Brad's water skills to some degree. He definitely knew his home water well enough. He had a pretty quick eye for trouble, and always kept his cool under pressure. Oddly enough for a Plunger, Brad was actually a pretty decent dude, all things considered. Save for the fact he was close comrades with Captain Midnight, and his eternal wingman was a whole nother story altogether...  

Chad Collins, aka Captain Midnight, was the lifeguard least likely to give a shit if you drown ...unless of course, you were a "smoking hot babe". Chad was your basic complete misogynistic douche bag, who probably practiced strutting in his speedos to ensure his stuff has just the right amount of "sway for the ladies". The kind of clown who always wore mirrored shades at the pool, in order to check out the new talent on the bikini rotunda, instead of the water. The douche bag was also partly responsible for getting me fired from the Plunge after only a week, and being moved down to the Annex for the duration of the swimming season. So in partial retaliation for that slight, I jacked Chad's cushy winter job guarding lappers at the Annex at night. Suffice to say, that the Plungers and I have some highly uncool history with each other ...as will soon become all too evident.

Of course, as soon as I spot the Plungers they spot me right back as well. So there is no escaping the hostile exchange on the horizon now. Instead, I head right at the conflict that is clearly waiting for me to start the show.

"Holy crapoli, Brad! Check it out, Princess Beach Boy is back." Chad nudges Brad and points me out.

"Hey Dean, over here man." Brad waves me over like we are friends. "What's going on man? I thought you were only here for the summer?"

"Yeah, what happened Princess? I thought you were too good for us." Chad smirks savagely.

"Hey Brad, still plunging Chad I see?" I nod over to Brad but keep ignoring Chad, mainly because he is utterly ignorable.

"I heard you're still working with Special Olympians down at the Annex Pool?" Brad smiles sagely. "That's a tough gig man, but absolutely worth the effort in my opinion."

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