Part 8

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Louise left the warehouse and back to her house, once she arrived she called her boss " the job is done" said Louise walking in front of her building " good job Amy, come tomorrow i have a new job for you" said the unknown man " alright see you tomorrow" said Louise closing her phone but soon stop when she saw Logan outside her building " oh fuck now what" thought Louise as she turned around back to her car but then she was pulled back and saw Logan grabbing her arm " you can't run away this time" said Logan but Louise stamped on his foot making him let go and scream in pain then grabbed his arm and pulled him over her shoulder and throw him to the ground and walking away. " wait" said Logan softly reaching his hand out to Louise before fainting " omg what to do i do now" thought Louise face-palming herself so she decided to pick him up over her shoulder with wasn't hard to do because was stronger then any guy out there. Louise went up to her apartment and placed Logan on her bed then left to buy some food 20 mins later Logan woke up with back pain and remember what happened, he got out of bed and walked around but there wasn't much to see because Louise apartment was empty expect for some clothes in her closet. " is this where Louise lives" thought Logan when he turned around and saw the door opened and it was Louise with food " you're up now leave" said Louise holding the door up for Logan " am not leaving" said Logan crossing his arms and then sat on the couch " omg " mumble Louise as she slam the door close and Logan smile. " i know you're Louise" said Logan as he walked over to her " i don't know what your talking about my name is Amy" said Louise as she has her back turned to Logan " you can't fool me" said Logan as he grabbed Louise making her blush " i remember every detail of you" said Logan as he place his hand on her face making his was down to her neck " i don't know what you about" said Louise when she pulled away but Logan pulled her back " i think i would remember the girl i fell in love with don't you think" said Logan smiling then kissed Louise.

.......... TO BE CONTINUED 

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