Part 30

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Louise walked slowly down the stairs with her M4A1 gun when she stopped and looked into the mirror that hanged at the bottom of the steps and saw two guys blocking the front of the house. Louise pulled her 9mm gun and ever careful walked down stair without be detected and shot they two guys " 11 down 9 to go" thought Louise as she put her 9mm away and held her M4A1 again. Louise made her way outside and was ever careful not to be seen  when she saw a guy near the car walking around so Louise made her way to him put down her M4A1 that hanged on her chest and took out her knife that was attached to her ankle and walked right behind the guy she grabbed his head pulling it back and inserting her knife into his neck and going across making him bleed out " 12 down 8 to go" thought Louise letting go of the guy head and putting away her knife to once again grabbing her M4A1 gun. Louise made her way to the backyard but hid behind the corner of the wall when she heard someone screaming " where the fuck are they" screamed the head then Louise smile to herself " good that they haven't found Logan" thought Louise but she saw one of the guys making his way towards her, she hid inside some bushes and took out her knife until the guy walked passed without seeing her. Louise came out of the bushes careful and walked right behind the guy she grabbed his head pulling it back and inserting her knife into his neck and going across making him bleed out "13 down 7 to go" though Louise. Until one of the guys saw her but Louise shot him first with her M1A4 gun and thats when everyone hear the gun shots " they're over there" screamed the head and they ran towards Louise fired her gun making them take cover and once they did they fired back at Louise, Louise waited a few second before firing back in which she manage to shot one in the knee and then another shot to the neck " 14 down 6 to go" thought Louise. This keep on for half an hour " damn I'm almost out of bullets" thought Louise looking down at her M4A1 gun when she looked up and saw the head of the group run inside the house " Logan" thought Louise but Louise was still out numbered by 2 guys " its all or nothing" thought Louise when she took a deep breath and ran out in the open firing to last of her bullet but lucky for it manage to hit both of the guys " 19 down 1 to go " thought Louise as she turned and went inside the house. She placed her M4A1 on the table and pulled out her 9mm gun and began walking towards the stair still being careful of her surroundings. 

............... TO BE CONTIUNED 

Bob's Burger  We meet again  (LoganxLouise)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang