Part 26 ( part 2)

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( " that wasn't funny, why couldn't you buy anything else that wasn't gay magazines but no!!!! you didn't stop at one you brought 20 of them" said Logan " i said i was sorry" said Louise who was laughing " i didn't have a girlfriend for the pasted 3 years after that" screamed Logan " but still best prank ever, let me continue" stated Louise ). That year had passed and the Pesto twins and I were the best that hacking until one day Andy dared Ollie and I to hack the FBI computer system. At first we weren't so sure cause we had only a years of learning plus it was the FBI we're talking about ( " so did you do it" asked Logan " i was getting there" said Louise " sorry" said Logan). We hacked the FBI but long story short we were all arrested by no other than Darryl who was a rookie at that time ( " Darryl in the FBI" questioned Logan" yea he finished school at an early age and joined the FBI around 16 or 17 so yea he was a rookie and his first arrest was the Pesto twins and I" said Louise nodded her head " omg i haven't seen him in such a long time" said Logan " you haven't seen him at all " questioned Louise and Logan nodded causing Louise to laugh " what so funny" asked Logan " did you have a person following you by any chance" asked Louise and Logan nodded " how did you know that" asked Logan " well you see that was Darryl, i just can't believe you didn't recognized him after a year of following you around, poor guy" said Louise laughing " what!!!! that was Darryl!!! i keep asking him who he was but he never said anything" stated Logan all Louise could do was laugh " wait, how did you " said Logan before being cut off by Louise " lets continue" said Louise laughing)  After begin arrested by Darryl we were taken to the FBI headquarters located here in Washington. You know Darryl wasn't surprised at all i end up getting arrested but he was surprise to see Andy and Ollie with me. Darryl talked to his boss and ended up convincing him not to arrest us ( " so you didn't go to jail" asked Logan " we got to do something better" said Louise " like what" asked Logan " let me get there" said Louise ) Well in order for us not to go to jail we had to work for the FBI and because it was my fault for not being carefully enough, I accepted and so did the Pesto twins. 


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