Part 26 (part 1)

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" alright before i begin my story you have to promise not to interrupt me" said Louise " alright  fine" said Logan " ok lets begin" said Louise 

*Story Time*

It all started the following year that you left for college and i turned 10. I was super bored with nothing to do and i wasn't able to find anyone that i wanted to send time pranking.( " so you missed me" stated Logan " omg Logan i told you not to interrupt me" screamed Louise " sorry please continue" said Logan " yea your right i did miss pranking you" said Louise and Logan couldn't help but smile. " so where was I, ay thats right pranking" said Louise). Until one day i found this book on coding that a customer left behind and never came back for. Like i was bored i read the book. ( " Louise you read books" stated Logan " Logan i will shot you" said Louise taking out her gun and placing it on the table " sorry" said Logan). To my surprised I really like the book and brought more book about coding but i didn't want to learn by myself so i turned Andy and Ollie to came and study with me. ( " who's Andy and Ollie" asked Logan " you know the Pesto twins" said Louise but Logan still didn't remember them " you know Jimmy Jr. brothers" stated Louise " oh yes, so what ever happened to him and you sister" asked Logan " oh they got married but enough about them let me continue" said Louise). Its been about 7 months that the Pesto twins and I began getting good at coding, from coding went to hacking. ( " before I continue I just have to say sorry" stated Louise " what for?" asked Logan and Louise just laughed). And I started hacking you like your social pages and Amazon account. ( " what??" screamed Logan " let me finish" said Louise unable to stop laughing) So like i said i wasn't able to find anyone to prank but after learning about coding I decide to prank you. I hacked into you account and brought some items that were sent to your dorm room. ( " no!!!!!!!!! that was you!!!" screamed Logan " thats why i apologized ahead of time" said Louise laughing " because of you my girlfriend broke up with me and the whole school thought i was gay" said Logan as he covered his face " i know!! best prank ever. Alright let me continue" said Louise laughing )

.............. TO BE CONTIUED IN PART 2 OF PART 26

Bob's Burger  We meet again  (LoganxLouise)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora