Part 10

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Its been 1 months since Logan and Louise have been going out but something happened that changed their life's forever. " Amy i have important news" said one of her boys " can't it wait" said Louise " no it can't, the boss found out that your dating that doctor and doesn't like it so he plans on making him disappeared" said the guy " what!!!!! how did that happened" screamed Louise " i don't know, i think he had you follow when he saw you were acting differently" said the guy " no!!!! Logan" thought Louise as she got teary just thinking about " lets go" screamed Louise waving her hand to signal her boys and they all left. They arrived at the house and Louise walked into the living room " where is he" screamed Louise " who are you talking about" asked the unknown man " you know who don't play games"screamed Louise " i don't need you to massing up in your work just cause you're in love Amy" said the unknown man " i do my job" said Louise " yea you do but one day your gonna leave because of him and i can't have you do that your the best in the business" said the unknown man " d don't hurt him and in return i won't see him anymore" said Louise pleading with the man " fine i'll do you this favor cause you're good at what you do and i need you but remember this theres no second chances got that" said the unknown man " got it, now where is he" asked Louise " here " the unknown guy hand her a piece of paper and Louise ran out " we're leaving boys" screamed Louise " please be alright " thought Louise as she held tightly onto the paper 

............ TO BE CONTINED  

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