Part 12

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Louise boys closed the door behind them and waited outside just as Louise said what people didn't know was that Louise boys were more faithful to her than their own boss who pays them. Louise moved her eyes around " who do you think coming here and taking him" asked the leader who finally decided to show himself  " i believe you were given order not harm him anymore but you still did" said Louise " look littler girl you don't give orders around here i do" said the leader " were you the one that hurt him then" asked Louise " and what if i did what is a little girl gonna do cause you're outed number here don't you see " said the leader Louise cracked her knuckles " you should worry about yourself " said Louise ready to kick ass " how dare you talk to our boss like that " said one of his boys as he ran towards Louise with the metal bat Louise stepped backwards dodging the attack  " is that the best you got" said Louise " get her" screamed the leader, Louise closed her eye and breathed in and out before opening her eyes again and ran to the towards the guy in front of her and fly kicked him making him fall to the floor knock out " one down" thought Louise one of the guys swing his bat at Louise back she turn around fast and dodged the attack fast kicking him in the back of his knee and grabbing him in a choke hold making him passed out " second down" thought Louise the guy in front of Louise ran towards her she dodged the attack and karate chop him in the back of the neck " third down" though Louise one of the guys ran towards Louise again and Louise fakes a front kick and then draws the kicking leg back quickly knocking him out " fourth down" thought Louise. It continued until only the leader remained " you should train your man better" said Louise cracking her knuckles again " you stupid bitch i'll teach you some manners" screamed the leader as he came towards Louise and she just straight punched him in the chest making him fall in his knee and gasp for air " you should watch you your month, you'll pay for all of this mark my words" said Louise as she opened the doors and walked out " Amy blood on your" said one of her boys before being cut off " don't worry its not mine" said Louise making her boy smile " lets go" screamed Louise waving a sigh to her boys to move out.

.............. TO BE CONTINUED  

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