Part 27

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Louise looked at Logan and saw that he had a confused look on his face " Logan what wrong" asked Louise " i just don't understand" said Logan " understand what" asked Louise " so did you mean everything in the letter" asked Logan and Louise face-palmed " did you not understand the story or what" asked Louise and Logan shook his head. Louise got up and sigh " omg really " said Louise as she turned to look at Logan " so did you " said Logan stand up and looking at Louise in the eyes " you're an idiot but you're the idiot i fell in love with a long time ago" said Louise, Logan smiled and pulled her for a kiss "so the letter" said Logan Louise once again face-palmed " omg the letter was a fake i didn't mean any of it, if i didn't write that letter you could have gotten us killed so i had to make you hate me and not look for me" said Louise shaking her head in disbelief that Logan would be so stupid " ohhhh so can you say" asked Logan nervously " say what" asked Louise " that you love me" said Logan smiling " i guessed he still doesn't trust me" thought Louise as she smile at Logan and placed her hand around Logan neck and pulled him close enough to kiss " Logan Berry Bush i have always love and i wouldn't want it another way" said Louise as she kissed him, Logan couldn't help but cry " Louise i love you so much the thought of you not loving me was really painful, i can't live another day if you aren't by my side " said Logan as Louise began to wipe his tears. They began to kiss like really kiss when Louise phone began to *RING RING RING RING* " its Darryl" thought Louise 

........... TO BE CONTINUED 

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