Part 26 (part 3)

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( " wait! what?? you work for the FBI" said Logan with a surprised look on his face " yea" said Louise nodding her head " why didn't you tell me" said Logan " cause i couldn't, i was working undercover until today when we arrested the drug lords" said Louise " but" said Logan before being cut off by Louise " let me finish" said Louise nodding her head ).  After we agree to work for the FBI we moved here. The Pesto twins and I only worked with computers to catch criminal for 5 years then we begin training to work on the field. It was hard but we had to work hard because they need us to go undercover. We trained for 3 years then undercover for another 3 years. Then I've meet you and you recognized me even though its been so long ( " wait when we meet you had a gun shot wounded" said Logan " oh yea about that we were working then you know cops came and took everyone in expect for me and Darryl but one of the cops shot me" said Louise " a cop shot you" asked Logan " well yea we had to make it look really thats why Andy told the cop to shot me" said Louise " but you almost died" screamed Logan " yea but i didn't" said Louise " omg Louise i just remember that you didn't pay your hospital bill" said Logan " what hospital bill" asked Louise " don't play dumb" screamed Logan " you don't have to worry about it Rudy takes care of that" said Louise " who's Rudy" asked Logan " you really don't remember Rudy my friend and the head director of the hospital" said Louise " what!!!" screamed Logan before being cut off by Louise " am almost done let me finish the story" said Louise " fine" mumbled Logan). I want you to stay away from me but as you can see that didn't happened. Darryl was the one that told me that the drug lord that i was working for kidnapped you so i went to see him. ( " wait!! you write that you found out my location" said Logan " well yea i wasn't gonna tell you that the drug lord told me" said Louise). I went to see him and asked him the reason why he took you and he told me that he didn't want to lose his best worker to a guy and that in order for that to happen he had to make you disappear first. I knew that meant was that he was gonna have you get killed and i couldn't let that happened so i made him a promise ( " what did you promise Louise" said Logan nervously " well i promised that i wasn't ever gonna see you" said Louise looking away from Logan " what!!" said Logan " let me finish" said Louise ). After i told him that he made a call to his boys that had you but when i have gotten their you were already beaten with blood all over your face. The Darryl and one other agent helped me get you down and take you outside. But that didn't need well for them ( " Louise what did you do" asked Logan " well lets just say that they ended up in the hospital" said Louise, Logan just shook his head). We took you to the hospital that you worked in once i was able to see you i went to see Rudy and asked him for a favor ( " what favor" asked Logan " i asked him to transfer you here" said Louise " ohhhh thats why i woke up in a hospital room in Washington" said Logan and Louise nodded her head " that the end of my story" said Louise)

............. TO BE CONTIUED 

Bob's Burger  We meet again  (LoganxLouise)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora