Chapter One

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I stared at the lady in front of me as she stood over her desk and leaned over me. Her wrinkles looking exaggerated like a cartoon character as they folded over her eyes, shrinking them into pinholes. Her nostrils were flared and hot breath blew on my face as she towered over my small figure.

"Well?" She spat at me, "What do you have to say for yourself?"

A confused, innocent look covered my face, "Ms. Larn, I have no idea what you are talking about." My eyes widened, resembling a doe's and my body shook.

She scoffed, "So you're telling me you have no idea why 200 books in the library are suddenly missing?"

I shook my head and my voice stuttered, "Honestly I have no idea. I mean, how could I do that in one night all by myself?"

"Don't get all smart on me now Miss. Blair. I'm not sure yet but I know it was you."

"Ms. Larn, I truly don't know-"

She slammed her hand on the desk, shaking the contents that were placed on top, "Just admit and your punishment won't be as severe. Just tell me where they are."

A knock broke the tension in the room. There stood Mrs. Kane, her eyes bright with a hidden fear behind them.

"Ms. Larn? What are you doing with Miss. Blair?"

Ms. Larn stood up and straightened her blouse and skirt, "I was just discussing the 200 missing books in the library situation. I'm sure you've been notified of event?"

A smile spread on Mrs. Kane's face and a slight chuckle escaped, "The books! I must have forgot. Auden, "She gestured toward me, "actually won a writing contest and got us a brand new batch of books. They just took the old ones away and are bringing newer ones tomorrow. You must not have been alerted as you were at the teacher's convention for the month."

Ms. Larn turned to me, ears and cheeks tinted in embrassement and anger as she realized her mistake, "Well, then I guess now that all of that is cleared up, you may leave Miss. Blair."

I stand and nod my head. As I walk away I can sense Ms. Larn's glare and a smile makes it's way onto my face.

Not today.

Mrs. Kane shuts the door behind me and crosses her arms. "Now, get to class."

I throw her a smile and jog down the hall to my locker, my shoes clicking on the ground. Quickly I grab my books and rush to english. 

I'd never know why Ms. Larn was always out to get me. Ever since I came to Prestbury High as freshman, she has had it out for me. Fire alarm pulled, I did it, mud in the halls, my fault. Now that I was a senior, the only thing motivating me was the fact I'd never see her again.

Checking a passing clock I see that I'm only a few minutes late. I think of an excuse to tell the teacher as Ms. Larn will deny ever talking to me. My thought are interrupted when I hit a wall. A literal wall.

I groan as I stumble back, falling onto the floor. Glancing up again I see that it was a wall, not a hot, mysterious boy like in all the books. I look at my hand to see my wrist cut and slightly bleeding, the brick indents shown on my skin. I move it gently and feel soft throb but nothing too bad.

I stand, grimsing when I applied pressure to my wrist. Deciding to stay safe I walk the extra few feet to class.

When I entered, the class turned and Mr. Dalagon, a plump old man who loved to embarrass his students, halted his lecture, "Auden, how great of you to grace us with your presence. Please grant us the gift of hearing your excuse?"

"I-" I glanced down at my wrist, an idea sparking in my mind, "I fell and hurt my hand, so I went to the washroom to clean it up."

Mr. Dalagon looked at my wrist, "And how did you fall?" After another glance he added, "Clearly you didn't clean up very well."

My heart stopped, "I tripped in front the school. On the curb. I was on my phone and wasn't paying attention. You know how us teenagers are nowadays," I softly chuckled as well as some of the class. Whether it was at my attempt at a joke or the fact my face was beat red I'll never know.

He sighed, "Fine, just sit down."

I drop my head and shuffle to my desk in the back corner, slumping in my seat.

Mr. Dalagon started class again, "Now why do you think Romeo took his life when he saw Juliet apparently dead? Sean?"

Sean's body shook and his blonde hair flopped about, following the movement of his body, "He loved her. He loved her so much he couldn't think of living without her."

A scoff was heard from the opposite side of the room and all eyes turned to the dark figure in the corner.

"Yes Mr. Blanwell? Do you have something to add?"

He grunted and straightened in his seat, throwing his hood off his head. His eyes piercing Mr. Dalagon, challenging him. "He was a coward." His voice husky and deep.

Mr. Dalagon's eyebrow rose in interest, "Care to explain?"

He laughed, "Care? No. But I'll explain." The class turned silent. It was rare for Ace Blanwell to speak, let alone in class. So to hear him show a sense of humour was even a bigger surprise than just talking.

Ace brushed his messy, jet black hair back, "He couldn't think of living without Juliet. He couldn't bare the thought of her death possibly on his hands. He didn't want to look bad in the eyes of others so he drank poison and died, a death of a coward."

My mouth as well as the rest of the classes mouth dropped in shock. Mr. Dalagon clapped in a slow manner.

"Now that," he pointed at Ace, "Is why we have class discussions. And you, Mr. Blanwell, maybe if you wrote that down you would actually be passing my class." A smile spread on his face as he continued the lesson.

I couldn't pay attention, as I was staring at Ace, just like the rest of the class.


Thanks for reading the first chapter and please let me know what you think!


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