Chapter 1

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Jackie's POV

I put down the pencil as someone walked into the whitewashed, square shaped, hell hole of a room. Sighing, I turned around to face the darn person. Instantly, I recognized the large man and scowled.

I've been against talking lately. Seeing my words in my mind as English gave me a headache. Talking Japanese is fun. Actually talking to these guys?


He glared at me and walked over to me quickly. His huge hand wrapped around my tiny arm and yanked me off the floor. "Get up. Lord Hokage wants to see you."

I read the words in my mind and sighed. This "Hokage" guy is getting on my nerves and I haven't even met him yet. Snakey wouldn't stop talking about getting revenge. First thing I heard when I woke up outside those walls was, "Get her to the Hokage!" Now I have to actually meet the guy??

The large guy dragged me into the hallway and slapped some cuffs on me. Once again, I felt a draining sensation and started getting tired. I dug my nails into my palms in order to keep my eyes open.

He shoved me towards the right, so I started walking that way.


I started coughing and my eyes watered from the smoke which disappeared quickly. "Hey! *cough* That's not good *cough* for my asthma!"

My eyes cleared up and I glared at the man in front of me. At least...I think it's a man. They're wearing a mask, have no curves, and gravity defying hair...but ya never know.

The person's one visible eye twinkled in amusement. "Ah, so the little one does speak."

Deep voice...but you still never know.

My cheeks puffed out in a pout and a large water drop appeared on his forehead.

I have to admit...the expressions they have here are cool. Snakey was never really one to show expression, unless it was anger.

The person turned to Scarface and sighed. "Ibiki, be nice to her. She's just a child."

"Ibiki" rolled his eyes and grunted, primitive much?, and shoved me again. "Get moving."

I bit my lip to keep myself from saying anything back.

This "child" has an IQ over two hundred, plus I'm a bit crazy. My parents had me tested after I did to one of their sons what they did to me. In my defense he pulled a knife on me.

Masky walked with me and Ibiki through a labyrinth of hallways and stairs and rooms, before we finally came to some important looking double doors.

Masky knocked on the door and I heard a muffled, "Come in."

Sounds old...

Ibiki opened the door and shoved me inside. I glared at him before looking around to notice the five different people in the room. All wearing different masks.

I sweatdropped and deadpaned, have to come up with some sort of names for these expressions right?, at the scene. They must all have a crazy fetish.

The old guy at the desk in the middle of the room puffed on his pipe, he's gonna die of lung disease, before setting it down and looking at me sternly.

"What's your name little girl?"

I glared at him for a few seconds before deciding it'd be best to get this over with.

"Jacqueline Marie Jameson Jones. It's a mouthful."

His eyes twinkled in amusement. "And how old are you, Jacqueline?"

I sighed and mentally smiled at the little white puff that quickly disappeared. "I'm four years old. My birthday is September fifteenth."

He looked over at Masky and smiled. "Same as you Kakashi."

Masky shrugged and pulled out a small orange book. Now...I don't need to be a genius to notice what kind of book that is. "Kakashi" is...definitely a man. Not like I'm one to talk though...

I shook my head in disgust and Grandpa chuckled. "She looks like you too."

Kakashi and I looked at each other and I started laughing. "I look nothing like him! At least I think...well...I definitely don't have silver hair!" I gestured a cuffed hand towards his hair before laughing.

I started laughing so hard I fell to the floor and started rolling around. Everyone sweatdropped as Kakashi cleared his throat. I wiped away a tear and chuckled before raising an eyebrow in curiosity. He pointed over to a small mirror and I frowned.

Slowly, I walked over to it. My eyes widened to the size of dinner plates. "WHAT THE HELL?!"

Kakashi hit me on the head. "Language!"

I stuck my tongue out at him. "Bite me!" I looked back at the mirror and frowned. Blue eyes, check. Adorable button nose, check.

Curly brown hair?

Straight silver hair?


I tugged on a strand of it and frowned even more. "But..."

Grandpa cleared his throat. "Is everything okay?"

I could've wasn't like this when we left...

I turned to him. "My hair was brown, and curly. What is happening to me?" I sat down on the ground and continued to play with my hair as Kakashi and Grandpa started talking. The color was actually really cool.

After a few moments, I looked up and realized the only ones in the room were me, Grandpa, and Kakashi.

And Kakashi looked like he was about to cry.


"Jacqueline, who are your parents?" Grandpa asked softly.

I frowned and looked down at my bare feet. "I'm adopted. My 'parents' are sadistic sons of-," Kakashi gave me a stern look,"um...I never knew my real parents. I was found with a piece of paper that had my birthday and some sort of symbol on it."

Grandpa frowned. "What symbol?"

"Well it was tattooed on me so..." I lifted my shirt to show a tattoo on my lower, right stomach area. Kakashi's eyes widened as he saw it, and the tears came flowing as he wrapped me in a one sided bear hug. ^The pic is the tattoo. It's the Hatake clan symbol.^

"It's you...I can't believe you're alive," he whispered.

I frowned and tried to push him away which was difficult because of the cuffs. "What're you talking about?"

He smiled, I think, and put a hand on my small shoulder. "Your birth given name is Kaminari Rin Hatake."

That must mean...

My eyes widened slowly as I looked at Kakashi, and Grandpa started smiling. As I stared at Kakashi longer, only one word came to mind.


Kakashi laughed through the tears as he nodded and opened his arms for a hug which I gladly gave...with some difficulty...stupid cuffs.

Grandpa chuckled and walked over to us. I lifted my arms back over Otosan's head and held out my cuffed hands. He took out a key and unlocked the cuffs. I rubbed my sore wrists as I smiled at him with closed eyes.

"Nari, we'll go home now."

I turned to Otosan and nodded. "Okay pops!"

He fell into a state of depression and I sweatdropped. "You make me sound old..."

"Well...your hair IS gray..."

"It's silver! And so is your's!"

".....damn it."


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