Chapter 9

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Rin walked in and sighed.

I put down my book and raised an eyebrow in question.

"Sasuke has only been having nightmares the past week. Every time I think he might actually have a peaceful sleep I hear him start screaming," she said quietly.

I nodded. "What do you expect?"

She glared at me. "I know that it shouldn't come as a surprise, but I'm really worried. When he's awake, he's like a zombie. He doesn't eat unless I feed him, and he doesn't respond to anything."

I sighed and opened my arms. With a small sniffle, she walked over and wrapped her small arms around my legs. I bent over slightly and hugged her. "Rin, if he's going to become stronger, you have to let him go."

She pushed me away and looked at me with wide eyes. 

"Excuse me!?"

My eye widened and I clicked my tongue. "Tch, that's not what I meant. I can't baby him like you are. Help him yes, but if you continue to do that, he's going to rely completely on you, and he'll become like a zombie for real."

She looked down at the ground and nodded slowly. "You're right."

I put a hand on her head and ruffled her hair slightly, causing her to glare at me. I chuckled and removed my hand before she decided to remove it for me.

"So, about Suko. I'm guessing she left the village," Rin said while sitting on the ground criss cross.

I sat down across from her and nodded.

"After about six months, she couldn't handle it anymore. Itachi and I tried getting her to stay, mostly Itachi, but we couldn't stop her."

"Why do you say, 'mostly Itachi'?" 

I sighed and scratched the back of my head. "It was painful for me. Every time I saw her, I expected you to be right behind. She was so quiet too. She rarely ever spoke, not to me at least. Her and Itachi got really close, she even joined his team," I said with a bit of shame.

Rin nodded.

"Anyways, she left. I never heard from her, Itachi might of, but he never said anything. I wish I could be of more help, but I just don't know where she is."

Rin frowned and rubbed her chin slightly. "I might have a few ideas. Alright, I know what I'm going to do."

I frowned. "I'm sorry?"

She stood up and straightened out her clothes. "I'm going to go look for Suko. And train. All those things I learned; I need more time."

I stood up quickly, shocked at what I was hearing.

"Excuse me?! I just got you back, after losing you, after I got you back, and now you want to leave for who knows how long?!"

She rolled her eyes. "I'll be eight in a month, that's when I'll leave. I'll come back on my twelfth birthday and graduate with everyone else at the academy. That's exactly four years." She held up four small fingers and smiled, as if that would make me feel better.

"W-well I'm coming with you!"

"No! The village needs you here!"

"I'm sure they can manage!"

"I said no! This is my sister! My responsibility! Your responsibility is with the village!"

I opened my mouth to yell back, but stopped and clenched my teeth. My hands balled into fists and I silently cursed her for inheriting her mother's stubbornness.

Her blue eyes shimmered with tears and her bottom lip quivered slightly.

I released my fists and sighed. "Okay. You win."

Before she could protest, I picked her up and held her tightly. "I love you so much Kaminari. You remember that."

She nodded and giggled slightly. "You're such a romantic, Otousan."

I scoffed with mock hurt then laughed.

Rin tensed then turned around as someone came walking in the room. Her eyes widened as she saw Sasuke standing in the doorway crying.

He wiped his eyes with his arm and glared at her. "You're leaving me?"

She jumped out of my arms and ran to him, clutching his shoulders tightly. "No! I'm not leaving you. I...I have to find Suko; I'm worried about her. I'll be back before you know it."

He smacked her hands away then ran out of the room. She went to go after him, but stopped. A small sigh escaped her lips and she walked towards her room.

I could only assume Sasuke ran back tot he compound, so I summoned Pakkun and sent him after him so Sasuke would be safe.

I sat down on the couch and sighed.

This was gonna be a short month.

°Sorry its so short! Next chapter will be longer! Thanks for reading.°

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