Chapter 2

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I chuckled and Kakashi stood up then patted me on the head. Grandpa came over and hugged me tightly. Kakashi laughed and lifted me up onto his shoulders.

We walked outside and down lots of stairs...and lots of stairs...and lots of-

"Yay! The front door!"

I launched myself of Kakashi's shoulders and ran towards the door. Before I made it though, he grabbed me by my ratty collar and lifted me up of the ground.

I pouted and crossed my arms. "Otooosan...lemme go!" I wiggled my arms and clenched my eyes shut as I attempted to throw a fit. I never throw fits...

He chuckled and shook his head. "Just hold on a second. We need to get you new clothes, and I don't want you walking around barefoot."

I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Fine...let's go!" I pumped a fist in the air as he put me back on his shoulders and walked outside.

The first thing I noticed when we got outside was the smell. Like the forest. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in. Other smells of foods and sweets wafted into my nose. On cue, my stomach growled and I blushed. Kakashi chuckled and started walking towards some shops. As we got closer to them I realized something and bent over so I was looking at him upside down.

"How old are you?"

HIs eye widened and he froze before chuckling slowly. "Whyyy?" Sweat formed on his cheek and I smirked.

"You're young. Maybe ninteen. That means you were fifteen exactly the day I was born. Which means you were fourteen when..." I trailed off, not needing to finish my sentence.

Kakashi's eye narrowed. "You're too young to know about that sort of stuff."

I shrugged and sat back up. "That's the life I've lived. At least tell me she mom that is. Speaking of which, wh-"

"We'll talk about that later. But yes...she did." His voice carried a tinge of sadness and I frowned. So thats the way the world works. I make a friend, get away from that psycho, and meet my dad. But this hell hole took my mom from me. I shook the thought from my head and sighed sadly.

We walked into a clothing store that seemed like it held clothes for mini little Kakashi's...or Ibiki's...

In other words, it had lots of athletic looking clothes for tiny people, aka toddlers.

He set me down and gestured to the whole store."Get what you want. I'll be back in a few."

And with that, he was gone. I blinked a few times before looking around. "Okayyy..." They must not have a crime problem here. I nodded a greeting to the store owner and he smiled before disappearing into a back room.

I looked to my right and saw lots of pink...lots of it...

Like, every single thing was pink, or purple, which I didn't mind if it was the right shade.

I shuddered and looked to my left where I saw lots of blues, and blacks, and greens. Green is an okay color. Too much of it and I can't help but think of broccoli vomit though. I shuddered at the memory and involuntarily gagged.

Shaking my head, I headed to the boys section and picked out a bunch of stuff. Pants, shirts, shorts, fishnets, which is pretty odd to me, and tank tops. After spending five minutes in the dressing room, I decided on a blue tee shirt which was snug, black stretchy pants that were also snug, and some fishnets on my elbows.

I threw my ratty clothes into a trashcan then turned my attention to my tiny bare feet. "That damn snake has my converse." I growled and then almost wept at my loss. Don't judge, they were a Kingdom Hearts limited edition. Upset, I found the shoe section and frowned.

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