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So first off...I just realized its been a year since I started this book...second...WE HIT 3000 READS!

I'm so happy, and honored that you all have stuck by me, and read my book. Whether you've been reading since the beginning, or you're new, I love you guys.

I know my updates are spotty, and I know its frustrating for you.

Trust me when I say I am doing my best.

Life recently has been very difficult. I won't go into detail because I don't want it to seem like I want sympathy, and I don't want it to seem like I'm making excuses.

All I ask is that you continue to stick by me. I am currently writing the next chapter, and I pray that I'll get it updated soon.

I really...there are not enough words for gratitude, to describe how I'm feeling. I never imagined Accepting My Identity would go this far.

Its all of you who are helping me gain the motivation to keep going.

So really, thank you.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

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