Chapter 20

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YEAR 3 ~ MONTH 1 ~ DAY 1


A hawk flew over head, catching my eye. It wasn't just any hawk after all.

I smiled as it landed on a rock a few feet in front of me.

"Ohayo, Shin. How are you?"

He screeched his normal greeting as I petted his head and took the letter out of the pouch on his back.


Hopefully Shin found you okay and was able to deliver this without an issue. You're ten feels like forever since you left. That day still haunts Gaara. He's even worse than he was before. I wish you could come see him and help him, but I know why you can't, so don't feel guilty.

Kankuro misses you, he denies it but its true. Father misses your skills only of course. And I miss my sister. Hopefully you're staying healthy.

Happy Birthday!

Love Temari

I wrote a quick note back thanking her and assuring her I was taking care of myself. I caught a fresh rat for Shin, then sent him on his way.

There was a smile on my face as I watched him fly away, and a sense of peace.

Until the pain hit me.

I screamed and fell to my knees as a strong burning sensation filled my stomach.

Sweat started pouring down my face, stinging my eyes as I coughed up blood onto the grass.

"What the hell..." I managed to gasp out as the pain disappeared as quickly as it came.

On my back, my katana began pulsating. I unsheathed it and hissed in pain when I touched the blade.

It was hot to the touch, very hot.

Frowning, I examined it carefully.

Could it be its twin? Is something happening to it?

Somehow, in a way I can't explain, the katana confirmed my suspicion.

"How do I find your twin? Mom hid them...I think. Does this mean someone else found it?"

Again, the katana confirmed.

I bit my lip and sighed. "But why was I affected? That doesn't make sense."

There was no answer.

"So I need to ask specific questions?"

The confirmation came and I sighed again. Now it was going to be a game of what the correct question was. Luckily, I was good at that game.

"Mom made you, and I suspect there was a lot of chakra involved. Which means you're connected to her. Since I'm her daughter... that means you're connected to me.

So... what I felt, mom might of felt, only a hundred times worse."

The hesitant answer came and I stood up quickly. "Can you find her?"

It took a few minutes, but finally it answered. I nodded and picked it up.

"Lead me to her."



I groaned and slapped another fly away from my face.

Currently, I was trudging through a swamp, still trying to find Hikari, my mom.

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