Chapter 17

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I groaned as Yami mumbled something about chocolate and rolled over onto her side.

"Yami," I said quietly with growing anger. "WAKE UP!"

I kicked her in the side and smirked as she flew into a tree with a loud screech.

She came walking back with leaves in her hair, and scratches on her arms and legs. "Dang, your kick has gotten stronger. I'm gonna need to stay putting up a barrier around me when I sleep."

I chuckled as she sat down next to me and took a piece of bacon from the frying pan.

Over the past two months, we had gotten really close. We knew almost everything about each other, except our appearances. We'd decided it would be best to kept that secret. It made sense, seeing as how either of us could turn on the other in a second.

That was what brought us so close, I think.

It was that trust, yet distrust at the same time, that we held for each other. Along with a strong sense of respect.

Yami was indeed a dangerous person. During fights, I'd lose her completely, then have a dead body thrown at my face as she flaunted getting more kills than me.

We were both listed as S-Class nins in the bingo book.

A small part of me wished I wasn't proud of it, but I was.

Back in Konoha, Kakashi was probably worried sick about me, while probably reading up on the 'Black Katana'. 

There wasn't a doubt in my mind that Konoha saw 'Black Katana' as a threat.


Without looking at Yami, I nodded.

We were being watched.

I looked up at the trees in front of me and smirked. Found you~

It was over in a flash. The kunai flew from my hand, and there was a crash as the now lifeless body fell from the branch, and fell to the ground. Yami chuckled slightly as I walked over and placed the usual.

"Do you make those on site? Or do you just have hundreds of them stashed somewhere?"

I chuckled. "I usually make them on site, but I make sure I have a few stashed."

"Ah," she said while nodding.

With a sigh, I put out the fire and began cleaning up. "We aren't too far from Konoha, we should get moving."

"You don't want to visit?"

I couldn't see her face, but I was sure she was probably raising an eyebrow in confusion. She knew me well enough to know I wanted nothing more than to see my friends, and dad. 

I shook my head. "I made a promise. Four years," I said as I pulled my pack onto my shoulders and pulled my hood up.

She sighed and shrugged. "Okie dokey. In that case, we probably should get going. Konoha doesn't mess around," she chuckled. Her blonde hair glistened in the sunlight for a second, before she tucked it back into her hood.

I smiled slightly as I followed her in a random direction.

Yami, was definitely my closest friend, but sometimes, she was something more.

It would be during the small moments I'd get hurt during a fight, and I could see her eyes blazing with fury behind the mask as she killed whoever hurt me.

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