Chapter 3

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I watched the small girl closely as she talked to Sasuke and Naruto. She was just about the boys' age, but there was something about her that made her seem much older.

The way she talked...

The look in her eyes...

And most definitely the fact that she was still holding the kunai behind her back, as if she's waiting to be attacked.

I could sense an unusual chakra radiating from her. It was too refined for someone her age.

I recalled the time around her disappearance vaguely.  Kakashi was distraught, as was the Yondaime for some strange reason.

And the mom...

All I can remember about her appearance is her beautiful blue eyes, which Rin obviously inherited. After her disappearance, we were attacked by the Kyuubi. I think the mother also disappeared after that.

But was she declared dead?

Or was it-

"Oh! Itachi."

I looked behind me to see Kakashi and I nodded a hello.

Naruto started freaking out. "Oh no! Is it past six? What time is it?!"

Kakashi chuckled and patted the boy's head. "It's five thirty. I finished my errands so I figured I could come pick you two up and we could go."

Naruto sighed in relief then nodded. 

Naruto and Kakashi started to walk off but Rin stayed behind. "Did you two wanna come with us?" 

Her eyes widened and I could visible see flecks of silver throughout. Sasuke looked up at me pleadingly and I nodded. "Okay, we will."

Rin smiled then grabbed Sasuke and Naruto by the hand. She started singing a pretty song that I didn't recognize, but I saw a tear appear in the corner of Kakashi's eye.


That song...she would sing it to Rin in order to help her sleep.

I put my book away and walked next to Itachi. "How's life treating you?"

Itachi's head snapped towards me and I could tell he had been thinking deeply about something. "Hm? Oh, me? Been busy." He shrugged and once again had on an emotionless face.

I chuckled and nodded while listening to Rin sing. She has a beautiful voice, just like her mother. Then she stopped. I raised an eyebrow in confusion as she froze in place.

Then I sensed it, a dark chakra. Itachi whipped out a kunai and I knew he felt it too. Rin slowly took out a kunai and took a step back towards me and Itachi. "It's him," she whispered.

That's when the attack came.

Me and Itachi stood back to back as we held off the attackers while the boys ran and hid, dragging Rin with them. But she came right back out, her little hands moving so fast I had no idea what signs she made.

"Kage Bushin no Jutsu!"

My eye widened as ten perfect shadow clones appeared and instantly pounced on the five attackers. 

There's no way she should know that jutsu! 

Then she did something even more amazing.

Without a moments hesitation, she bit her thumb then made some hand signs before slapping her palm down on the ground.

Me and Itachi jumped away as a large snake appeared and gulped down two attackers.

"It's that damn snake's own fault I escaped and now he tries to kidnap me again?!"

"Lord Orochimaru isss jussst confussed."

Rin 'tched' in annoyance and stamped a tiny foot on the large snakes head. "I told you not to call him 'Lord'?"

The snake hissed in annoyance as a kunai hit her in the side and used her tail to send a third attacker flying into a tree. Then in a poof of smoke, the snake was human? And looked about Itachi's age?

The two girls started bickering and I turned my attention elsewhere as I blocked the katana of the fourth attacker.

"Do you see him?" 

I shook my head at Itachi's question as I knocked out the attacker I was dealing with, followed by Itachi doing the same to the last attacker.

These guys weren't weak, but they also weren't very strong. If Orochimaru really wanted her back then he would of sent stronger people.

"Or he would've come himself. How did you even know that I had been kidnapped by that snake?"

I looked at Rin and frowned. 

She snickered. "You were talking out loud."

"Oh...seems like you get it from me then because we heard you multiple times in your cell cursing Orochimaru," I said then smiled as she sweatdropped. "We're going to talk about your cursing problem later by the way." 

She fell to the ground with a black aura surrounding her causing the snake/human girl to laugh.

I saw Itachi's eyes narrow as he looked the girl up and down. 

She had very pale skin that had scaly patches, some were colored black, and others were colored red, just like when she looked like a snake. Her hair was black and red, as was her outfit which consisted of a short zip up shirt, black pants, and black shoes. 

Her eyes, however, stood out. They were a bright golden yellow, like a snake's.

^I'll have the picture up next chapter hopefully^

Rin noticed Itachi's discomfort and put herself in front of the older girl. 

"Suko is my friend. She may of been loyal to Orochimaru at one point, but she helped me escape," Rin said with a slightly hostile tone.

The girl, Suko, sighed. "Don't mistake fear for loyalty. I got this scar from him you know."

That was when I noticed the large scar going across Suko's face. Itachi relaxed a little bit and nodded.

Rin followed suit and punched Suko in the arm. "Don't expect me to always stick up for you like that." Suko hissed at her and she laughed.

I smiled and listened to the sweet bell like sound.

Just like her mother...

"Rin, did Orochimaru teach you those jutsus?" 

Rin looked at Orochimaru and nodded. "He actually taught me quite a few jutsus in the he had me captive. Like I said, it's his own fault I escaped. Which is why I said he probably would've come himself if he really wanted me back. Which makes me think that these guys were just a diversion," she walked over to one of the unconscious attackers and poked him, then continued,"So maybe we should take these guys to Scarface."

Itachi smirked. "Scarface?"

She rolled her eyes and sighed. "Ibiki. The mean dude."

Me and Itachi laughed along with the girls. Then Rin stopped and looked around. 

"Oh no..."

^HAHA! Cliffhanger. So what do you think Rin noticed? It's actually pretty obvious^

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