Chapter 14

153 8 10

YEAR 1- MONTH 12- DAY  31


I sighed as I clasped my hands behind my head as I watched Temari and Kankuro argue over what was going to be for lunch.

Gaara appeared at my side and I smiled at him, recieving the normal blank stare.

Something tells me that my attitude towards him still confuses him. If he can, he'll avoid me, but most of the time he'll just ignore me. 

As soon as Temari caught sight of the red head, she shut her mouth and sent Kankuro a warning glare. He looked my way, then smiled nervously at Gaara. I rolled my eyes slightly as they both tremored slightly.

If they actually treated him like a brother, and not a demon, he wouldn't turn into one.

"Gaara-nii, whaat do you want for lunch?"

He simply looked at me with those lifeless eyes, then disappeared. 

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. Which reminded me that I needed to cut my bangs again. I walked up to my older siblings and punched Kankuro in the arm. He rubbed the new bruise and glared at me before threantening to tie me up with his strings.

"Temari, I'm gonna grab some ramen, then go back to the house, I need to cut my bangs."

She rubbed a small piece of my bangs between two fingers and nodded. "Want my help?"

I shook my head and smiled. "Nah, I'll be fine."

She nodded and smiled. "Okay, remember, we need to report to father at dusk. No later, and no sooner. Don't forget what happened when you were late."

I frowned. "What? When he locked me in Gaara's room for the night? Gaara would never hurt me."

Kankuro scoffed. "Don't get cocky."

"I'm not saying he can't; I'm saying he won't. He's scared of me, confused by me."

Temari nodded. "Don't tell me you haven't noticed it Kankuro. Gaara ignores her, avoids her if he can. I've never been able to pinpoint why though," she said as she looked down at me and crossed her arms.

"Because I'm not afraid of him! And I'm actually showing him love!" I yelled slightly.

Temari looked at Kankuro and sighed. "You stll haven't been here long enough, either that or you're incredibly naive. Rin, Gaara is dangerous. He won't hesitate to kill you, so don't push it."

She noticed immidiately that her words had hurt me and she knelt down to hug me. "I'm sorry, I just don't want you to get hurt. We'll see you back at the house, okay?"

I nodded and turned around to walk back to the house with my hands stuffed sulkily into my pockets. I kicked rocks as I went, trying to see how far I could get it to go.

One rock I kicked, got quite a bit of air, and hit someone in the head. 


I winced and ran over to the small group of people.

As I got close, I recognized the shinobi attire, then smiled as I saw the symbol engraved on the headbands.

"Hi! Sorry for hitting you. You're from Konoha? How's Kakashi? Is the Hokage doing okay? What about Sasuke, I should've asked about him first, how's Sa-"


I froze and blinked, then chuckled. "Oh, sorry." 

All five of them looked at each other and smiled before chuckling. One of them, a younger man, stepped forward and looked down at me. "Who are you?"

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