Chapter 19

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YEAR 2 ~ MONTH 11 ~ DAY 20


I dragged myself away from the body slowly, drained and exhausted.

My chakra was depleted, but I could sense at least three other people. One female was among them.

They pushed through the trees and I bit my tongue when I saw the girl's blonde hair. Blonde hair had become a sort of trigger for me. It never ended well for the other person.

I stood up and groaned as I wiped some blood off my knees. "So, who wants to die first?"

"You're looking for the Akatsuki right?"

My eyes locked onto the blonde as she stepped forward, shaking slightly.

"What do you know?"

She looked at the men next to her and sighed. "I can tell you where they have a hideout. They constantly move around, but I know where one is."

Under a bit of pressure, she explained how to get to one of their bases outside of Mist. After I felt that I had a  sufficient amount of information, I knocked them all out. My dagger shook as I held it over her throat, my body and mind were fighting against each other.

My body won out, and the dagger fell away from my hand and onto the grass. For once, I couldn't kill.

Making a hasty decision, I wiped their minds and used my dagger to carve a single flower into their skin right under the collar bone. When they woke up, if they wondered into town, everyone would know it was the Black Katana.

I sighed as I wiped off my dagger and stood up. Now that I had a solid lead, I needed time. If I was going to confront them, I needed to be stronger.

Quickly, I dropped flowers on all the bodies in the clearing, sighing as the grass slowly became nore like a swamp as the blood soaked the dirt. It had been a day of death.


MONTH 12 ~ DAY 1

Thirty more days until I turn ten...two years.

I chuckled and shook my head as I sat up from the bed.

Currently I was staying at an inn in a small village not too far from Mist. I had been putting off actually going to Mist, contemplating whether Mei hates me now or not. A sharp ping of guilt struck me and I growled as I pushed myself off the bed and pulled at my hair.

There was no way I could show myself to her! She'd probably kill me on site!

I was pacing back and forth when there was a sharp knock on my door.

Quickly, I pulled my mask up and opened the door, holding a kunai behind my back.

The innkeeper smiled nervously and was fidgeting. "Uh, hello, there is someone here looking for you. I'd suggest you go see him. It would not be wise to keep these people waiting." His eyes keot darting around, and he was sweating like a pig.

Someone had terrified him.

I nodded then walked out, pushing past him, trying to feel if someone's chakra rubbed off on him.


I couldn't sense anyone of any noticeable qualities.

I padded down the hall and rounded the corner.


My teeth gritted together in annoyance. "What do you want, ya damn weasal."

Itachi's face showed no emotion at all as he walked forward and slapped me.

The lobby went silent as my neck snapped with the quickness of the turn of my head. Slowly, I rubbed my cheek as I looked back up at him.

"Show respect to your elders."

He handed me a ring.

I stared at it for a good five minutes before crushing it in my hand and throwing the dust into his face.

"How stupid do you think I am!? I trusted you! You said she was safe!"

I shoved him away and stomped back to my room with tears filling my eyes.

I laid down on my bed and cried as I punched the pillow repeatedly, tearing huge holes in it until eventually nothing was left except some feathers.

The floor boards creaked and I looked over at Itach with murder in my eyes.

"A few days ago, three people turned up in a village. No memory of who they were, and they all had flowers carved into their skin under their collar bones. Ironically, those three people happened to have some vital information regarding the Akatsuki." His eyes bored into mine as he stepped forward.

"You wouldn't happen to know anything about that would you?"

I scoffed and rolled over so I was facing away from him. "Wouldn't you like to know."

"Suko asked me to keep you safe! That's what I am trying to do! These are dangerous people, Rin!"

I flung a kunai at him without looking, pouting when I didn't hear it pierce flesh.

"You didn't think you could of really hurt me like that did you?"

I shrugged and pulled the blanket over my small body, wishing I was home. "Go away, I mumbled. I'll leave the Akatsuki alone."

He sighed, and it seemed like he was going to say something, but then I heard the door open and close.

I guess he decided it wasn't worth saying.

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