Chapter 22

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YEAR 3 ~ MONTH 2 ~ DAY 10


By some sort of miracle, the three of us had been living a simple life on the outskirts of Konoha.

Of course, we couldn't just live a quiet life, so we went on missions a lot. So the Black Katana became even more popular.

Mom was somewhat annoyed that I was content with my life as a highly ranked assassin in the bingo book.

"This is not how I pictured your life going when you were born. Not at all."

I deadpanned and rolled my eyes. "And how did you picture it? I don't think I could've lived a very normal life seeing how you and dad are."

"A-" she opened her mouth to protest, but closed it and pouted at her defeat.

I smirked in triumph, but faltered when I sensed a familiar chakra. I hadn't seen him in a while, but it was painfully obvious.

Mom's eyes widened as she looked towards the door.

"Oi oi oi! Whats a house doing out here?! Oiiiii! Anyone here?"

Mom looked at me and started mouthing at me angrily.

Why is your cousin outside the door?

I shrugged and shook my head with wide eyes. Why do you think I'd know?

She sighed and looked at the door.

"Oiii! If no one answers me, I'm coming in!"

Our eyes snapped towards Suko, who had been woken up from her nap. Which meant certain death for Naruto.

May he rest in peace.

Instead of killing him like I thought she would, she flicked his forehead and caught him as he fell forward.

"You two would never survive without me," she stated plainly as she poofed away with Naruto.

"I could've done that," mom said while rubbing her nose.

"So why didn't you?" I deadpanned.


I giggled and held my hands up in surrender.

Suko poofed back into the room and clapped her hands together. "Now! I'm going to finish my nap. And more interruptions, and you both die."

Mom amd I nodded, knowing she was dead serious.


Dead...serious...because I'd be dead.


"I'm gonna go into town, probably mess with some people," I said with an evil grin.

"Remember to-"

"Hide my chakra," I finished. "Yes I know. I'm not an idiot."

Mom rolled her eyes as I ran out of the house. It was on a large hill that overlooked Konoha, and had a beautiful view of Hokage Mountain. I smiled at my uncle's face as I raced down the hill.

Mom was constantly talking about her older brother. He was the one who had introduced her and dad. Of course, he hadn't planned on them falling in love and...well...


I shrieked as I spun on my heel to attack the person behind me, but unfortunately the universe had other much more embarrassing plans for me.

The stranger, luckily enough, caught me and pulled me into their chest before I could tumble over backwards.

I looked up and my eyes widened slightly.


Shikamaru smiled slightly and let me go. "I haven't seen you in three years. I thought you were going to be gone four?"

I smiled nervously. "Well, you see. Technically I'm not 'back' so if you could, not tell anyone you saw me? That'd be great."

"So troublesome," he sighed.

I deadpanned as he rolled his eyes and stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"You seen Naruto? He went running up this way."

With a nod, I stuck my thumb in the direction of the house. "He found our house, so Suko knocked him out and took him back home."

Shikamaru groaned as he started walking down the hill. "So troublesome."

"Watch it Pineapple."


I giggled as I began walking next to Shikamaru. He cast me a side glance when I put a henge on, but didn't say anything. He was smart, he knew I didn't want to be caught.

"So, what're your plans for today?"

"Pranks," I said with an evil chuckle.

Shikamaru shook his head as we wondered into Konoha and walked past some shops.

Eventually, we got seperated. Not that it mattered to either of us anyways. It worked better for me being alone, and it also reduced the risk of getting caught. Working with a partner is always dangerous.

I've had to kill at least five of mine.

I giggled quietly at the memories as I slowly opened to the window to a certain person's room.

It was still fairly early in the morning, so I fully expected him to be asleep.


Was he showering?




He was in the kitchen, making rice balls.

My jaw dropped as I watched him pace back and forth in the kitchen, with an apron on. Now I'd heard some things about the "only" uchiha left alive.

And what I was seeing went against every single one of them.

"Who's there?"

Okay, maybe most of them.

I snuck back out of the compound and ran a safe distance away.


I scoffed and rolled my eyes as Suko hit me on the back of my head.

"He has been getting stronger you know. He isn't stupid."

With a shrug, I sighed. "He used to be."

"Compared to you, maybe. For someone his age? No." Suko glared down at me, before looking up at Sasuke who had walked out of the compound, and was looking around.

"Come on, mom wants to talk to us."

I groaned, but followed Suko back to the house.

Instantly, I could tell something was wrong. Mom was sweating, and the house was spotless.

She had cleaned.

She never cleaned.


She sighed and looked down at me with sad eyes.

"I'm leaving."

*K so this is a short chapter! But I thought maybe it'd be nice after so many long chapters? Plus its kinda a filler. More updates from here on out!*

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