Chapter 10

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I sat up and looked out the window. 

This month had flown by so fast. I'd seen Sasuke, but he never talked to me. He wouldn't even look at me. It appeared that he was pushing everyone away, including Naruto.

After he found out I was gonna go looking for Suko, Naruto dragged me around with him almost everyday. I tried getting him to eat stuff besides ramen but...

I chuckled and shook my head as my door opened.

Kakashi walked in with a plate of pancakes in his hand. "Morning."

I nodded. "Morning. I have a lot to do today. I need to buy supplies, and a katana."

His eyes widened slightly and he put the plate down before walking out of the room quickly. After a few minutes, he came back in with something else in his hands. He pulled his mask down and smiled. 

"This belonged to Hikari. She would've wanted you to have it," he said softly as he handed it to me.

I carefully but quickly unwrapped the long object in my hands.

The brown paper fell away to reveal and beautifully engraved, black sheath, with a matching black handle.

I slowly unsheathed the katana to reveal a perfectly black blade. I closed my eyes as I held it for a second.

"It has a twin," I stated as I opened my eyes.

Kakashi nodded. "I'm not gonna ask how you knew, but yes. However, it, along with the matching daggers disappeared with your mother."

I frowned as I stared as my reflection in the blade. The sword pulsated in my hands and hummed slightly. With a small shake of my head I sheathed the katana.

With a grunt, I jumped off my bed and stretched until I felt a satisfying pop in my back. My eyes darted to the plate of pancakes, and I quickly devoured them as Kakashi sweatdropped. After I finished, I carried the plate down to kitchen and placed it in the sink.  

I looked down and sighed. "I should probably change before I head out."

Kakashi sighed and nodded. 

I ran back up into my room and threw on a shirt, some pants, and shoes before skipping back down the stairs. I kissed Kakashi on the cheek before grabbing a small pouch of money from the counter and running out the door.

Quickly, I arrived at a market dedicated to supplies for shinobi. 

My first purchase was a black cloak and mask. If I was going to be traveling, my identity would need to be kept secret.

I hastily slipped on the mask, and sighed in relief. Much better...

Someone came up behind me and I whipped around, having a kunai at their throat. My eyes widened when I realized it was a boy about my age. I put the kunai away and chuckled at his frightened expression.

"My dad warned me that women are dangerous," he said with a sigh.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not even a woman yet. Guess that means you'll be in trouble if we ever meet again."

He laughed slightly and nodded. "I'm Shikamaru Nara," he said while holding out a hand.

I grabbed his hand and shook it firmly. "Kaminari Rin Hatake."

His eyes widened slightly. "So you're the girl I've heard so much about. My dad talks about your dad all the time. He says you're a genius."

I smirked under my mask. "I may know a thing or two."

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