Chapter 12

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A kunai flew past my ear and imbedded itself in the tree two steps in front of me.

With a small scoff and raised eyebrow, I turned around to face a shinobi with the symbol for mist engraved on his forehead protector.

"Is this how you greet travelers in your village?"

His eyes narrowed and I sighed.

"What business do you have with Kirigakure?"

I took my hood off. "First off, I'm just a little girl. Second, I'm looking for my older sister. I was told she's been here for the past three years."

His eyes softened slightly. "You'll have to forgive me, tensions have been high." He straightened up and bowed his head.

I bowed my head and smiled. "Don't worry, I understand."

He walked over and grabbed his kunai from the tree. "I still have to bring you to the Mizukage though."

I shrugged. "Hey, it's your job."

He chuckled and began walking. I followed him up to the gate and whistled slightly. It was kinda eerie, with the vines growing all over it, and the mist surrounding it. He talked with the guards for a few, then the gates opened and we walked in.

We reached the Mizukage's office and he knocked on the door. There was a muffled response and he opened the door.

I walked in and my eyes instantly widened.

The Mizukage was a woman, and a young one at that. She was really pretty too.

"Well hello there, you seem a little young to be traveling alone," her voice was soft, and held a tint of amusement.

I straightened up, then bowed at the waist. "Mizukage-sama! Thank you for welcoming me into your village. My name is Rin, I'm from Konohagakure, but I'm looking for my older sister. I believe she's been living here for the past three years."

Her eyes widened, then she started laughing.

I frowned. Did I say something funny?

"My my my, you're so proper little one. What is your sister's name?"

"Suko, and she has a bit of an unusual appearance," I said with a bit of a smirk.

"Ah, Suko. I know her, yes. She was a great asset to Kiri these past few years," she said with a smile as she rested her head on her hands.

My eyes lit up. "So she's really here?!"

"Not anymore."

My face fell as the Mizukage frowned. "She disappeared not too long ago. There was an investigation, but it turned up nothing. our only lead was from an old woman who said something about red clouds."

I frowned and rubbed my chin. "Red clouds," I whispered.

The Mizukage stood and walked around her desk. "I know you probably are thinking of leaving tomorrow to go look for her, but please, stay for a bit. You might find something here."

I thought for a second, then nodded. "Okay, I'll stay for a bit. Is Suko's place still available?"

She chuckled and nodded. "Yes. Also, I'd enjoy if you'd visit me daily."

I scratched the back of my head nervously. "O-of course, Mizu-"


I looked up at the Mizukage with wide eyes.

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