Chapter 7

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I looked down at Rin and sighed. She deserved to know. 

"Rin, we don't actually know where Hikari is. She went missing after the Kyuubi attacked."

Rin's face fell and she looked down at the ground. Suko came in behind her and looked from us, to Rin. Without hesitation, she hugged Rin tightly and ran a hand over her hair soothingly. Suko looked up at us with hard eyes.

"I'm taking her home."

I simply nodded as Suko picked Rin up onto her back, then walked out the door. I hadn't really thought much about Hikari since she went missing. We looked everywhere for her. She was never pronounced dead.

I've heard rumors here and there about a powerful rogue ninja who is supposedly from Konohagakure, but nothing ever turned up from them.

"Kakashi, go home to your daughter. She needs your comfort. A girl like that is ought to go out looking for her mother." Lord Hokage's eyes were soft, and sad.

I nodded and walked out, silently cursing myself for not keeping a tighter leash on Rin.

Speaking of which...

The Hokage was right.

As soon as I exited the building, I ran home as fast as I could. I opened the door to hear someone screaming. I ran into the living room and saw Rin tied up on the floor.


She struggled against the ropes, which I noticed had a sealing jutsu on them, and glared at me.

"You. Untie these. Now."

My face dropped and I looked down at the ground. She hated me. There was no guarantee I would get her back.


I looked up at her with wide eyes as Suko came walking in.

"No. You don't get a cookie until you apologize for punching me," she said calmly.

I looked between the girls with a look of disbelief on my face. "Wait. You tied her up because she punched you?" I covered my mouth to hold in a laugh as I realized my mistake. Of course Rin wouldn't run off, she was smart. She'd make a plan.

Suko nodded and I sighed with relief. "Just don't tear the house down girls," I said as I walked upstairs.

Downstairs Rin and Suko started yelling at each other, over cookies of course. I rolled my eyes as I laid down on my bed and looked up at the ceiling.

For a short minute, I wondered if Hikari was in fact alive. Or if she was just another one of the missing whose bodies we never found after the attack. I rolled onto my side and sighed as I closed my eyes, while silently cursing the girls for being so loud.


"Nari! Just say you're sorry!"

"Why? I got my cookie," came the reply from, not the little girl in front of me.

Oh no.

It came from the little brat behind me.

I turned around while taking deep breaths to calm myself.

Nari simply smiled and jumped off the counter. "If you're wondering when I did it, it was when pops went upstairs."

I sighed. "Of course. You used my distraction to undo the jutsu and create a clone in your place."

She nodded as she handed me a cookie. "Sorry for punching you. Do you think he'll notice the hole in the wall?"

I looked back over my shoulder to see a large hole in the living room wall, letting in a nice cool breeze. Shrugging, I looked back down at Nari and chuckled. "I don't know. He might. And if he does, I'm not sure he'd care enough to say anything," I said while laughing.

Nari nodded and started laughing too before freezing and looking around.

Not a second later, I felt it too.

An incredible amount of hostile chakra.

Kakashi appeared beside us with his Sharingan already blazing. "You felt it too," he asked with a low voice.

We nodded and got into fighting stances.

Next to me, Nari began to shake. Her skin paled and she fell to the floor as she broke out in a cold sweat. Kakashi quickly knelt down and picked her up in his arms, trying to see what was wrong.

Her eyes quickly lost their sparkle, becoming a dull, lifeless blue.

I started to panic as Kakashi stood.

"I'm taking her to the hospital."

He dissapeared in a cloud of smoke, wasting no time.

My breathing hitched in my throat and my eyes went wide with panic.

Someone had appeared in front of me.

I recognized the long, black hair and piercing, yellow eyes immediately.

He walked over to me with a small smirk on his face.

Anger bubbled up from inside and I lunged at him with a kunai, easily being dodged and thrown aside.

He flicked his tongue over his lips and smiled. "My~ my~ Ssuko. Why sso angry?"

I hissed and my fangs became exposed, a small drop of venom falling from them onto the floor, sizzling as it burned through the carpet.

"What did you do to Nari?"

He chuckled. "Don't worry. You'll both be home ssoon enough."

He dissapeared with a hiss, leaving me alone again.

I leaned back against the wall and slowly slid down it to rest on the ground. Slowly, I drew my knees up to my chest and began to cry silently.

"Nari, please be okay," I whispered quietly.

°Sorry this chapter is short. I've been extremely busy and have been dealing with a lot of family problems. For this chapter I really just wanted sime more character development for Suko, and to get me to were I need to go. Thank you everyone for being patient and understanding!°

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