Chapter 11

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From my perch in the pine, I could still see the faint lights of the village, and the large shadow of Hokage Mountain. 

A small breeze blew my bangs into my eyes and I sighed as I brushed them back behind my ear. A large crow landed next to me on the branch and I frowned. "Well, hello there."

It's black eyes followed my movements as I stood up on the branch. With a small wave, I jumped off, cushioning my feet with chakra as I hit the ground. I winced a bit as some of the shock still hurt my ankles. 

A branch snapped behind me and I turned to see the crow on the ground.

I frowned again. "Shoo."

It took a few hops towards me and cocked it's head. Without any warning, it cawed loudly and a torrent of crows surrounded me. I shielded my face as the wind kicked up dirt and rocks. I winced as a rock cut my cheek.

Fed up with being beat up my crows, I gathered some chakra in my fist and slammed it into the ground. The shockwave threw the pesky birds back, but something else appeared in their place.

I clicked my tongue in annoyance. 

"Shouldn't you be as far from Konoha as possible?"

The dark figure came out of the shadows and walked towards me. 

I looked up into Itachi's eyes and sighed. His eyes showed signs that he had been crying. I wrapped my arms around his waist and squeezed him tightly. He tensed, but eventually returned the hug.

"I had no choice," he whispered.

I let go and shook my head. "Look, I'm not going to ask you to explain. There's obviously more going on than meets the eye. I trust you."

He nodded and smiled slightly. 

With a sigh, I turned around and began walking, motioning for him to follow me. "So, any idea where Suko is?"

He nodded. "Mist, she went to Mist."

I stopped walking and looked at Itachi with a raised eyebrow. "Mist? Really? And she's stayed there?" I scoffed, not believing it for one second.

"She said something about training," he said with a shrug.

My eyes narrowed. Suko staying in one place willingly for longer than a few months was well...absurd.

When we were held captive by Oreopedo, she nearly went crazy. She had to change rooms every week. 

"Alright then, I'll head to the Mist. Thanks," I said, then took off to the trees. 

I smiled as I ran across the branches. I'd be seeing Itachi again. Whether I went looking for him, or he came looking for me, or even just by coincidence; I'd see him.


With a loud yawn, I sat up and stretched. 

A small creak turned my attention to the sprung trap to my left. I sighed as I stood up. 

A gnarly looking dude with a scratched out headband was hanging by a wire I had set up last night. I cut him down and closed his lifeless eyes. Orochimaru might of taught me to be a cold blooded killer, but I still had some dignity.

I laid him nicely in the middle of the small clearing and placed a small, black, origami flower on his chest. Someone would find him, and he'd be given a proper burial.

I gathered up my stuff into a scroll that went neatly back into my backpack and took off. If I ran all day with short stops to snack and drink water, I could make it to the Land of Waves by sundown, and use that as a rest stop.

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