Chp.12 pEace offering

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Please comment questions about the story. I have no questions to answer for the Q&A, I may have to make them myself which is pretty lame 😂 ~R ❤️  #dolantwins


' "I need you to help me win back Nicole. Are you in or not?" I ask. He hesitates for a moment, but then nods and we shake hands. '

Nicole's P.O.V

The Saturday morning I woke up in my bed, I texted Ali and Julie I was okay. Although, I clearly wasn't. I told them I was too busy to hang out but I just wanted to be left alone that day.

Today is a new day and decide to head to Ali's place. I put my hair up into a messy bun. I sort through my closet and unintentionally make contact with the outfit I wore to the party.

Looking at the crop top and cardigan on the hanger sent chills up my spine. I slide the hanger away and slip on a black and white flannel shirt with black skinny jeans. I roll a pair of socks on and put my Converse hightops on.

I take a marker and cross out Friday on my calendar. I leave my house key on top of my nightstand and hop out my window.


I swing on Ali's hammock while my arm sways
along with its slow, rocking motion.

"And then this morning, I-I just woke up in my bed..half naked!" I quaked. Ali's eyes widen with a seemingly guilty face. "What is it?" I ask. "Nothing, I just can't imagine that, wow," she says with a shocked expression.

"Shit, are you sure it wasn't someone you know? You said he asked if you were Nicole, right? It has to be someone you know," Ali suggests, pushing her glasses to her nose with her index finger. "I'm not sure. I didn't get a look at the guy and the voice wasn't familiar."

"Hm," Ali ponders, diving a hand in her bag of Cheetos. I reach over and steal one from her bag and eat it silently. "Nicole?" Ali asks.
I glance at her. "You don't think whoever this person was, took you home and-"

"No, I'm still a virgin..I checked," I confess. "Oh okay, thank God. I'm really sorry, Nicky," Ali mumbles in a pitiful tone. "What for?" I ask.

"Hey girls!" Julie shouts, bursting into the room. She looked hot in the tight, green mini skirt and white top she was wearing.

"Damn Jules, you look hot," I laugh. "Thanks girl," she chimed, taking a seat next to Ali on her bed. "How'd you get in?" Ali asks. "With the house key under the plant, duh," Julie remarks. "What were you guys talking about?"
Julie asks, glancing at me.

"The party," I say, hoping Julie doesn't bring it into the conversation again.

I sigh, here we go.

"Oh! so as soon as I walked away from you guys, I walked away to the dance floor that was set up by the Dj. Then, I saw these cute guys dancing as a group and I asked if I could join them, you know, in my seducing voice, right? They took turns letting me dance on them. But after a while, I got bored so I sat down. Then, a hot guy named Alex, asked if I wanted to dance. I refused but we talked for a while and I thought, I've had a one night stand before, why not do it again? We had sex and let me tell you, it was rough sex. I was being so loud, someone banged on the wall in the other room so we'd shutup but he was just that good!" she laughed.

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