Chp. 25 takE care

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I wish a few more cared about what I say.
Play the song above.^

Terror floods over me when I've realized...
I've hit a dead end.

Julie's P.O.V

Saturday, June 18 6:42 PM

"This is all your fault, Alison!" I yell. "Me??" Alison yells back. "Nah, I meant your imaginary brother," I slap her with sarcasm.

Grayson, Alison, and I stood in a heated argument while being engulfed in traffic.

The tracker on Find My Pal points that Nicole isn't moving and she's in Collegepoint.
Ali rolls her eyes in response, "I said I was sorry," she shouts back. "And I said I heard you," I replied.

"Well, I said to shut the hell up, both of you!" Grayson's eyes bored into his phone with a glint of frustration.

I groan and tap my red almond nails against the pink, velvet steering wheel cover. I didn't want to let Alison get away with acting all innocent when she's the reason Nicole is in danger.

"Oh you're no better, Gray! Going along with your older brother's wishes no matter what trouble it can cause? That's stupid," I spat.

"Atleast I don't screw people who turn out to be douche bags," Grayson scoffs.

"Okay, we get it. She was a bitch, you were a dirt bag and I was a slight hoe," I groan. "Was?" Grayson shoots. "Yes, I was, meaning not anymore," I agreed.

"What exactly did Ethan do? Tell me the whole story," I demand.

Grayson clears his throat and explains thoroughly, "Okay, so it all started with what went down on prom night. Ethan wanted to come along and we took him."

Alison and I glanced at him to continue.

"I told him to stay away from Nicole so there'd be no trouble. Ethan was so excited to see her until he realized Damion was her date. He was gonna give her a white rose when Damion pulled his stunt. None of us knew he'd do that but Ethan suspected it,"

"All hell broke loose when he found them together, I've never seen him nearly kill someone like that," Gray hung is head.

"He stood up all night that day using his hacking wizardry to find illegal sites where you can buy explosives, weapons, fake documents, all that." Alison and I exchanged weird faces and raised a brow at him.

"I know, I was shocked when I found out too," he chuckled.

"His plan was to plant those drugs, explosives, ID's and marriage documents, and weapons in Damion's house at night so it'd look like he was trying to escape with someone but would get thrown in prison. Problem was, Ethan accidentally lit one and the house caught fire and it was incinerated," Gray sucked in his breath as he tries to continues.

"Obviously he went to the extreme because not only did he risk his life, but he killed 3 people, his mom being a police officer. He didn't mean to but now the feds are searching for him, Ethan made it clear he does NOT want to be thrown into a federal prison."

"Ho-How do you know all that?" I ask, my hands are sweating.

"It's funny that Ethan and I were so close and the thought of never seeing him again is already painful but to leave me without a proper goodbye?" He laughs.

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