Chp.15 Ethan thErapy

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I'm sad summer is ending, Gizmos, sigh* I'm giving PLL credit for inspiring this chapter like with them going to Dr. Sulivan in season 2 if anyone asks. #dolantwins ~R ❤️


' "Maybe you didn't want to hurt him, Ethan, but you're willing to do anything for Nicole and won't let anyone stop you." '

Nicole's P.O.V

I strut into Dr. Numan's office with my sunglasses on and bags from Forever 21 and Hollister in my arms. My mom suggested I go to therapy because of what's been going on lately with Ethan drama. I'm hoping she'll be mad I was late to my appointment.

"Hello Dr. Numan! Oh no, am I late?" I ask with an almost convincing gasp.

"You're twenty minutes late," she informs.
"Oh no! I've probably wasted your time. I should go, peace," I smile. "Nonsense, you're my last client. If you could put your bags over there and lay on the couch we could start," she smiles.


I lay on the couch and stare at the ceiling. I fold my hands and place them on my stomach. I really didn't want to come and I don't even need stupid therapy. In fact, I would've ditched it but my mom would've called her.

"So Nicole, could you tell me a little about yourself?" She asks getting her clipboard out.

I sigh, "what's there to know about me?" "Well, Ethan must take interest in you for some reason. Don't get me wrong, he may be still a threat but there might be something that sparked an interest in you," she insists.

"I'm an only child, I've moved 3 times because of him, he still won't leave me alone and I don't know how to trust," I glare at her. She clicks her pen and scribbles on her clipboard. "Moved 3 times, no trust," she mumbles to herself. "Got it," she smiles. I roll my eyes.

"Nicole, I know this may be hard but you have to trust me. I know what I'm doing. Can you trust me?" She asks. I look away.

I'm not sure if I should, I hesitate for a moment and nod, nothing worse could happen I guess.
"Oh great!" She laughs. "Ok so tell me how it all began," she says calmly. I take a deep breath and explain.

"It started in second grade--no, pre-k actually, wait, it was second grade. Anyways, we had a wood shop class together in second grade and since we were little kids we could only use saws and nails for bird houses and stuff.

Our class project was for each of us to make a wooden shelf. I slit my pinky with the saw and this kid with melon hair and weird eyebrows asked if I was okay and gave me a Spiderman bandage.

He wrapped it around my finger and he kissed it. Then he blushed when he realized what he did. He laughed and explained that's what his mom used to do when he got hurt.

Then, it struck me that I kinda liked him but I had a boyfriend so I shrug it off," I explain.

"Did you ever still carry those feelings through elementary or middle school?" Dr. Numan asks.

"I thought I did through elementary and middle school when he'd hand me love notes and drawings. I'd read through them and like them but as time went on, i realized this crush of his wasn't going away and I just found it weird from there on," I explain.

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