Chp. 21 getting bEtter and bitter

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Leaving My Stalker trailer in the media above. ^ yes, I made that trash lol.
Agphkblzstpj almost done with my book 😿.
Blessed ❤️ ~R #dolantwins

"If she's gonna play dirty, then so can I."

Nicole's P.O.V

I sit in the cushion seat as Dr. Numan types something on her computer. Her short bob hair cut looks curlier than before. I anxiously tap my fingers against the seat and I wait for her to begin.

Although I was nervous to tell her more, I'm actually glad I came this time. I have so much I want to puke off my chest.

"So, Nicole. It's been a while. Please tell me, how have you been?" She asks in a serious monotone.

"Not good, Numan," I sigh. She makes a quick eye roll and ignores the fact I called her Numan. "How so?"

"Just when I thought my whole world was spinning about more Ethan drama, I realized I was on a cloud, upside down! I feel like I'm making no sense right now," I lean my chin on my palm.

"Not at all. Continue," she urged.

"Okay, so it all started when I was having dreams that would turn into nightmares and yep, you guessed it, about Ethan."

"I feel embarrassed saying this but I'm gonna just say it. My recent one was a sex dream with him. We were having an intimate time when he begins to choke me and that's when I wake up," I breathe out slowly.

"Okay," Dr. Numan's eyes dart from my eyes to her clipboard and she jots down some notes, clicking her red pen on.

"Dreams can be interpreted many ways. These dreams/nightmares you're having is your subconscious telling you, you somewhat think about these things," she explains.

"You're not sure why you've been feeling this way about this boy when you know what he's capable of and you know you shouldn't get close to him because of that. You can't risk giving him any chances because he's dangerous. Is this correct?" She asks.

"That's exactly what's on my mind," I nod.

"But why do I feel this way?" I ask.

Dr. Numan's eyes wander around her papers as she ponders. "I could only think of one thing. Are you physically attracted to this boy?"

I swear this lady.

"I guess so," I shrug. Dr. Numan jots that down as well. "What was it that you were doing the night you experienced this dream?" She asks.

"I'm not sure, I'm only certain I was doing research about Ethan. I was stalking him in a way," I chuckle and wait for Dr. Numan's reaction but I earn no laugh from her.

I clear my throat and continue, "Like I was saying, that's what I remember. Although, I felt this déja vu feeling of being with Ethan that night. Almost as if we were..talking. I woke up that morning to just me. I hate when I can't tell what's real and what's not," I sigh.

"Is this something you feel occasionally?" Dr. Numan asks. "Yeah actually. There was this one time I was at school and I was in the girls bathroom. I saw this shadowy figure through the crack in my stall. I recognized those hazel brown eyes anywhere. Then, I had a panic attack. I heard his voice in my head. Trying to seduce me. It wasn't until that happened, Ethan vanished before my eyes," I tell her.

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