That rainy day

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Your POV
I walked aimlessly calling to my parents.
"Mom.... Dad...." I cried out weakly.
They left me here. Just because of something they may or not happen to me.... I fell and stayed there, too tired to walk or yell anymore. Foot steps approached me and the rain stopped falling on me.
"Hey, are you ok," a boy asked me.
I looked at him, about my age, dark purple hair, brown eyes, and tanned skin.
"Can you talk," he asked.
I shook my head.
"At least you can understand me, where's your family," he asked.
I shook my head again.
"You don't have a family," he asked.
I shook my head.
"Oh, then why don't you come with me," he suggested.
I nodded and tried to get up but failed and fell back down.
"Here, I'll help you," he said picking me up piggy back style and holding the umbrella.
"Thanks," I croaked out.
"Hey don't talk, sounds like you've got a sore throat," he said.
We walked and he began talking.
"I'm Neah Campbell, I'm 14," he said.
I smiled slightly... Neah.
"If you're sleepy, fall asleep. I promise I don't bite," he said smiling.
I smiled and leaned my head against his, falling asleep quickly.

Neah's POV
Poor girl, being left alone. Her breathing evened out and she was out like a light. I smiled knowing that she trusted me at least. We got to the house I sorta made and I kicked open the door. Then I closed the umbrella and the door.
"Hey we're here," I said.
The girl opened her eyes and I carefully put her down. I got a chair and towel for her. She dried off and I got her a cup of water.
"Im pretty sure my sister left a few clothes here, I'll check," I said as I went and looked.
Road had came here with me once and had brought some clothes so maybe they were still here. I found the drawer full of them and went back with the girl.
"Yeah I found them, if you feel up to it you can shower. You were laying on the ground," I said.
She nodded and got up, stumbling.
"Ah! Here I'll help," I said putting her arm on my shoulder to lean on.
We went to Roads room and I showed her the drawer along with the bathroom.
"It'll be fine if you use her clothes, I'll explain to her later," I said.
I carefully let her go and she smiled at me.
"When you're done, rest," I said.
She nodded and went to shower. I went to my room and did the same.


Your POV
I woke up and yawned. Remembering last nights events I sat up quickly. I got up and opened the room door. Next to the room I was in was Neahs room. I could tell because his name was carved into the wood. I sighed and didn't know what to do. Neahs room door opened so I closed my door and quickly jumped back into bed. A slight second after there was a knock at my door and Neah opened it.
"Hey you awake," he asked.
"Yeah," I said sitting up.
"Hey you can talk now," he said.
"Yeah, hurts a bit though from all the yelling I was doing," I said.
"That makes sense, but why were you telling," he asked.
"For my parents," I said.
"Oh, sorry," he said.
"It's ok, thank you for helping me," I said.
Taken aback by my thanks he played it off and just scratched the back of his neck.
"It's not like I could've just left you there," he said.
"I'm (y/n) (l/n), nice to meet you Neah," I said smiling.
"Nice to meet you too," he said.
We began talking and getting to know each other. Turns out Neah has his fair share of family problems at times too. He's always sweet and caring. Loves to joke around too. He plays piano and has a huge family.
"Hey Neah," I said.
"Yeah," he asked.
"Are we friends," I asked.
"Aren't we," he said confused.
"Yeah, just checking," I said smiling at him.
My new friend Neah.... He's adorable

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