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Your POV
It's been 11 months that we've been on this damn mission. It is currently December and it's winter break. Schools going smoothly since none of the teachers have a problem with me and the kids keep their distance. The Earl had given us permission to get a tree and celebrate Christmas so I had gotten gifts for Whisley and Tyki. Don't ever tell Whisley you got him something, he's a mind reader, don't even try. I literally had to block the gift from my mind and he'd gotten pissed off every time. In a few hours it was gonna be Christmas night so I didn't have to hide it much longer. I held a box in my hands, sighing. My gift to Neah... Even if he wasn't here I decided to get him something anyways. I puts it in my drawer and looked at the clock. It's currently also 3 in the morning and I'm on the terrace with his jacket wrapped around me to block the cold air. I looked up at the stars and fondly remembered my wish. I still wished on that star for it to come true. A tear slipped from my eye as I recall the events that happened almost a year ago. It's almost been a year since I've seen him... I wiped the year away and heard a sigh.
"Whisley why are you still up," I asked shakily, not turning around.
"Beautiful girl why are you crying," the voice I'd been longing to hear for so long.
I turned around immediately and saw none other than the one and only Neah Campbell standing there. I froze. So many thoughts, so many emotions, I couldn't make them all out.
"You're that mad at me," he asked.
I ran at him and hugged him tightly as tears fell from my eyes like a waterfall.
"It's you, you're really here," I said shakily.
"I promised didn't I," he said hugging me tightly.
"Neah, I've missed you so much," I said.
"I've missed you a lot too, I couldn't ever get you off my mind. Sorry I took so long," he said laughing slightly.
"You idiot," I said as I looked at him.
He leaned towards me and kissed me. I wrapped my hands around his neck and responded quickly. He nipped at my bottom lip and I happily obliged. The kiss sweet and passionate, yet full of need. Our tongues danced and I held onto him. Afraid he might disappear again. We went on for a while before air became extremely essential. We parted panting for air.
"Damn how much I've wanted to do that," he said laughing slightly.
I laughed slightly too and held onto him, placing my head on his chest, listening to his erratic heartbeat.
"Let's go inside," he suggested.
I nodded and we went inside.
"Good to see you wear it," he said pointing at his jacket.
"Of course I do, why wouldn't I," I asked.
He shrugged and smiled.
"Well guess what," he said.
"What," I asked.
"Guess," he said as he sat on my bed.
"Hmmm you get to stay here," I asked.
"Close but no," he said.
"Hmmmm your mission is over," I asked.
"Nope, still got 1 more list," he said sighing.
"My missions over?"
"Nope yours will end when mine ends though."
"Then I have no clue," I said sighing in defeat and sitting on the bed next to him.
"Alright, then I'll say. I'm staying here for 4 days," he said smiling.
"No fucking way," I said shocked.
"Yep," he said.
I hugged him and said," Nea that's great!!"
He hugged me and said," I hope so, I had to convince the Earl a lot. But of course I finished my 2 lists so he agreed."
"Do Tyki and Wisley know," I asked.
"Hmm if I told you they did," he asked mischievously.
"How cruel, everyone knew except me," I said.
He laughed and kissed my cheek.
"I thought surprises were for one person to not know," he said.
"True true," I said.
"Then let's go downstairs," he said.
"Ok but I want a piggy back ride," I said.
"Alright then," he said.
I got up happily and carefully got on his back. He hooked his arms under my legs and I had my arms around his neck. We went downstairs and I saw Wisley and Tyki.
"Hey guys! Nea's here," I said happily.
They looked at us and smiled.
"Hello Nea," Tyki said.
"Hey Tyki good to see you again," Nea said.
"Hi Nea," Wisley said waving.
"Hey Wisley, no headaches yet," Nea asked.
"Nope, thankfully," Wisley said holding his head.
We laughed and Nea asked,"this one hasn't caused any trouble has she?"
"Not at all," they said smiling.
I smiled as well and looked at the presents.
"Oh!! Hold on I'll be right back," I said getting off Nea's back.
I ran up to my room and got Nea's gift. Preparing in advance is good :33 I ran back downstairs, well more like jumped off the stairs and went back to the living room where everyone was. I put the gift under the tree and I looked at Wisley.
"Wisley don't be a buzz kill and say it," I said.
He shrugged and stuck his tongue out at me which I did back.
"Alright you two, that's enough," Nea said as he wrapped his arms around me from behind.
We stopped and I smiled.
"Alright then, Nea, how are the missions," Tyki asked.
"They're pretty good, I've already done 2 kill lists. That's impressive since each one has maybe 50 each," Nea said.
"Wow, that's a lot. Why such a big number this time," I asked.
"*shrugs* but they're persistent," Nea said sighing.
"Persistent as in how," I asked worry growing in me.
Nea smiled and held me tighter.
"Don't worry I'm fine," he said.
I relaxed and he let me go. He went over to the couch and sat down, so I walked over to him and sat next to him, putting my head on his shoulder.
"Will you be going with us? On the mission I mean," Tyki asked as Nea put his head against mine.
"Yeah, I'm going with you for 4 days," Nea said.
"4 days? I thought that's only the days you'll be staying," Tyki asked.
"Nope, I stay for "break" and then for the mission," Nea said while putting his arm around me.
"Really," I asked happily.
He laughed and said," yes."
"Nea that's amazing," I said while hugging him.
He hugged me back and Wisley and Tyki smiled.
"Well how about I make some hot chocolate," Tyki asked.
"Yeah! Good idea Tyki," I said happily.
Tyki got up and went to the kitchen, dragging Wisley with him.
"I'm glad to see you smile again," Nea said letting me go.
"I'm glad to see you in general," I said unsure of what to say that wouldn't make me sound like a total idiot.
I sat across his lap, my feet across the couch and he kissed my cheek. I snuggled against his chest and he wrapped his arms around me.
"Nea," I said looking up at him.
"Hm," he asked looking at me.
I pecked his lips and said,"It's hard to actually believe you're here."
He smiled and hugged me.
"(Y/n), I'm right here," he said.
"Well yeah but it's been 11 months since I've seen you and now I get to and it seems like... Like a dream," I said sighing.
He kissed me softly and said," I love you."
"I love you too," I said.
"Alright you two! We'll be opening gifts when the hot cocoa is done," Wisley yelled from the kitchen.
"Alright," we said.
I leaned against him again, putting my head in the crook of his neck. We stayed like that, listening to the sound of the wood cracking in the fire.

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