Up and better

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Your POV
"Maybe she needs more rest."
"I'm worried now... What if she doesn't wake up."
Road and Nea.
"Nea I'm sure she will, keep in mind her body is still healing."
I felt a hand over mine and a thumb caressing my fingers. They stopped talking and I moved my hand a bit. Nea stopped the movement and I knew he knew I was awake.
"Pretending to be asleep now are we," Nea asked chuckling slightly.
"Hey I wasn't, you guys just thought I was. Big difference," I said as I rubbed my eyes.
"Hello (y/n), good to see you're finally awake," road said happily.
"Hello Road," I said smiling.
"You're finally awake huh," Wisley said as he entered the room along with Tyki who more or less needed his balance.
"Hi Wisley, hi Tyki," I said waving and sitting up.
Nea immediately looked at me worriedly.
"I'm alright, don't worry," I reassured him.
He looked unconvinced but let it slide.
"(Y/n) how are you feeling," Tyki asked.
"I feel alright, don't know about moving around," I said.
"Well we won't know until we try right? Up we go," road said as she stretched her hands to me.
I took them and carefully got off the bed. She took a few steps back and I followed, stumbling slightly. Few steps forward, a little more stumbles. She let go still nearby and I walked a bit, but my knee buckled and I almost fell. Almost. I don't know how he did it but he caught me in a second. His firm arms held me up and Road had her arms ready to help.
I blushed slightly and he asked," Are you ok?"
"Y-Yeah, just not used to it I guess," I mumbled.
"Other than that you seem to be fine, that's good," road said.
"Then I believe we should get out of this stuffy room," Wisley suggested.
"Agree," we all said.
Road went out with Tyki and Wisley, Nea kissed the top of my head when they left.
"Are you sure you're ok? Nothing hurts," he asked.
"I'm fine," I said looking up at him.
"If you feel worse or different don't hesitate to say something ok," he said.
"Promise," I said.
He let me go and wrapped his arm around my waist to support me. We walked out and I wondered why he hadn't tried kissing me. Not that I was going to force it. I couldn't even muster strength to tiptoe. We walked around the house a bit and slowly I got used to it. I stopped stumbling and my joints didn't buckle. For some reason though I was getting weak from my legs though, probably still weak from not being used. I stopped walking and held onto him for support.
"(Y/n), what's wrong," he asked very worried.
"Just tired," I said.
He picked me up bridal style and walked to the living room. I listened to his heartbeat and smiled. The familiar beat and warmth made me feel so safe and sound and so much love.
"I love you Nea," I said smiling.
"I love you too," he said gently.
I wrapped one arm around his neck and put the other on his cheek. Pulling myself up a bit and tilting his head to me, I pecked his lips. I forgot how soft they were. He looked at me with half lidded eyes and kissed me gently but full of love. My back pressed against the couch and I pulled him closer with both arms. He put hands on either side of my head to steady himself and we parted. He put his head in the crook of my neck and I ran my hand through his hair.
"I started to worry I'd never see that beautiful smile and never be able to have that warm personality back," he said longingly.
"I'd never leave you alone," I said as I leaned my head against his.
"I'm sorry I couldn't save you," he said sadly.
"Nea-," he cut me off by looking me straight in the eyes and saying," no, it's not ok. I'm supposed to protect you from anything and anyone. You were almost executed to make it better!"
He was frustrated with himself, he was sad because of what happened, and he was hurting because he almost lost me. I saw it all in his eyes, not only his voice. I hated seeing him so... Broken. It made me feel like I'm not working on my part of this relationship. I looked at him softly and put my hands on his cheeks.
"Hey, I'm right here aren't I? You saved me still," I said gently.
"You weren't conscious for a month," he added quietly.
"But I woke up and I'm not going anywhere," I said.
"Seriously, well reincarnate," I joked.
He laughed a bit but it was weak. How long had he been like this? Did he even take care of himself in that time frame?
"Hey have you been keeping up with what your body needs too," I asked.
"Not gonna lie, I haven't. I've been too worried about you," he said.
"Nea," I scolded.
"Hehe... Sorry," he said.
"Well now we both have to keep up, I don't want you to do that if, and it won't, something like this happens again... Or something along the lines... We need to take care of ourselves too, ok," I said.
"Ok," he said nodding.
I let go and wrapped my arms around his neck weakly.
"Love you beautiful girl," he said.
"Love you too," I said.
"You two done yet," Wisley asked.
We looked at Wisley and my face went tomato red. Nea looked at me with slight amusement.
"Hi Wisley," Nea said.
"Hi Nea," Wisley said.
"How are you," Nea asked.
"Well after that little scene I'm not sure," Wisley said.
"You're just jealous," Nea said.
"Nea be nice," I said as I hit him lightly.
"Sorry," Nea said.
"Alright then, (y/n) if you're up to it Roads baking some sweets since it's her way of celebrating," Wisley said.
"Ooooo Roads sweets are like dinner but sweet! Yeah sure I'll be right there," I said as I unwrapped my arms from Nea's neck.
Wisley left and Nea looked at me.
"What," I asked.
"Are you sure you're ok," he asked concerned.
"I'm fine, laying down helped me rest my legs," I said.
He put his head in the crook of my neck and sighed. I wrapped my arms around him again and ran my hands through his hair again. He relaxed and mumbled," do you really have to go?"
I laughed slightly and said," yes, you know how road is when it comes to sweets."
"Still," he said sighing.
"You have me all to yourself later so I don't see why you're complaining," I said.
"You can't blame me beautiful girl, I've been waiting for a month, but I'll let Road and the others spend time with you too," he said.
"I love you," I said.
"I love you too," he said back smiling a bit.
His breath became slow and I laughed quietly to myself.
"Nea," I said.
"Hm," he asked.
"Lay down with me," I said.
We got up and he laid on the couch, I laid down facing away from him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and put his head atop of mine. His breathing evened out again and I smiled. I carefully got out of his grasp and put a blanket over him. I kissed his cheek and left to go bake sweets with Road.

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